Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,66

hesitated as she pondered the seating arrangements and then decided to just sit down and let the men sort it out. Cole went to take the seat next to her but Vaughn got there first and sat down smoothly on her left leaving Cole to take the seat opposite her.

The waitress arrived to take their drinks order and once she had showed them the buffet and given them plates and cutlery, she left them to it.

“Christ, I’m ravenous,” Cole said, “I can’t believe we’ve been holed up in your office all morning, Granger.”

Vaughn laughed and then turned to Elise.

“I see you found my new office then.” He said with just a tiny hint of sarcasm, “Someone informed me that it had more privacy than the one downstairs plus it holds rather special memories for me. I hope it didn’t inconvenience you too much to have to come upstairs.”

Elise glared at him and said nothing, hoping that the blush she could feel creeping up her cheeks was not visible. Completely oblivious to their exchange, Cole excused himself to go and get some food, leaving the two of them alone. Realising that this was not good, Elise began to get up to follow Cole but Vaughn stopped her with a hand on her leg underneath the table. His fingers started to stroke distracting circles on the sensitive underside of her knee and she had to struggle to keep still.

“I’ve not stopped thinking about you, Elise” he whispered in her ear, “I know we parted on bad terms on Sunday and I was angry with you; angry that you were rubbishing something that for me had been infinitely precious. But when I calmed down, I realised how difficult all this must be for you and reminded myself that you wouldn’t have responded to me the way that you did if Saturday night had meant nothing to you.” he stopped, his voice getting deeper and sexier still. “By the time I went to bed, I was rock hard with needing you and decided that I would have to move my office or I would never be able to walk around the building again - you really have no idea how much you turn me on.”

He leaned back and away from her just as Cole returned to the table, assuming a completely neutral expression that outwardly suggested they had been discussing nothing more than the weather.

Elise had still not managed to get her brain to function and instead was watching Cole hungrily digging into his food, wondering how on earth she was going to fake any kind of appetite. Presently Vaughn left the table too and Elise managed to breathe again, somehow managing to get most of her shaking body under control. OK, focus’re here to talk to Cole.

“Cole,” she said, addressing her best friend, “I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch over the last couple of days. I had to go and pick Dale up from hospital yesterday and it was just a bit mad trying to get everything organised. I really wanted to call and see how you were though – especially after Saturday night. I’ve been worried about you.” She added softly “I really want to help you sort all this out; you do know that don’t you?”

“Yes, of course I do sweet-cheeks” he grinned as she raised her eyebrows at his infuriating nickname for her.

“Look,” he said, “I’ve got some thinking to do and lots to try to work through. I need you there to help me but I also need you healthy – you need to take care of yourself. First and foremost. You know what I mean.”

“I know, baby,” she said, “believe me, I know. But since he’s been out of hospital he’s made a real effort and said that he’s going to try to stop drinking. If he could just do that then maybe we’d have a chance to get back on track.”

“That’s bullshit, Elise, and you know it.” said Cole angrily. “He’s only been out of hospital one day - I’d hardly call that making an effort. There is no way in this world that he deserves you to be there to pick up the pieces or take the punches, any longer. You are done, Elise and you need to get out of there.”

She hated when Cole got like this. He made sense - of course he did - but it was very different to be on the outside of a situation doling out advice than Copyright 2016 - 2024