Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,105

nub at the top; flicking over it once, twice, biting it gently and then taking it into his mouth and sucking on it. “Now!” he demanded and she complied, shattering into millions of fragments, bucking on the bed as he continued to torture her with his mouth. The contractions were endless and wracked her whole body. Elise had never before experienced something so strong, so forceful and so passionate and it was a hell of a long way back down. He continued to tease and suckle as she recovered but his pace slowed right down, allowing her time to recuperate and catch her breath.

Vaughn moved back up to her face and kissed her gently, brushing the tendrils of hair away that had escaped from her bun. She could taste her musky scent on his lips as he continued to kiss her and far from being repulsed by it - which she had always thought that she would be - she found it oddly erotic.

“You taste so beautiful, Elise – better than I could ever have imagined. Taste it, babe, all of it.” And he deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue in her mouth; sharing her scent, her flavour, working her back up into a passion again.

“That was amazing...” she murmured, her eyes half closed in the aftermath. She was drowsy but on fire, unable to comprehend the myriad of feelings coursing through her body.

“Don’t you dare go to sleep on me this time!” he warned, “I haven’t finished with you yet!”

“Mmmm? I’m just resting.” And with that she stretched languorously, deliberately reaching her arms above her head to draw attention to her breasts.

Predictably, his eyes widened as he followed her movement so she continued to stretch, turning this way and that, eventually running her hands back down her body and over her breasts before relaxing with a mischievous smile.

His eyes had turned to black and his whole expression had an intensity that she had never seen before. She knew that he was struggling with his control and found that she wanted to wrest it from it – to break him like he had broken her.

Elise continued to fondle her breasts, deliberately lifting them and pulling on her nipples as he had done earlier. Vaughn continued to watch her, his face rigid and she wondered what he was going to do. How far would she have to go to see this powerful man lose control?

Absently she glanced down at his erection, satisfied to note that his ardour had not cooled at all, and then flicked her eyes back up to his as she sat back up so that they were both kneeling opposite each other.

Reaching down she brushed her hand across the tip of him, feeling a bead of moisture leak out. He was stunning, and she ran her hand up and down the length of him, revelling in the tremors that coursed through him as she explored his size. He was certainly well endowed and her mouth watered at the prospect of what he would feel like inside her.

His abs rippled as he moved and she tested out different rhythms with her hand, getting a feel for what he enjoyed. Her pace was increasing and she watched as he let his head drop back, exposing the lines of his throat. She could feel shudders starting to reverberate through him and continued pumping, reaching down to play with the sensitive spot at the base. She loved this - the feel of Vaughn in her hands - and knowing that she had the ability to make him feel like this. If she died right now, she knew that she would be eternally grateful for having experienced a moment as exquisite as this.

Abruptly, Vaughn snapped his head back up and roughly pulled her hand away from him, at the same time pushing her over so that they both ended up lying back down again.

“Enough...” he said, his eyes heavy and almost unfocused. “I have to be inside you.”

Slowly he reached down with his fingers and found her core, caressing her gently as if to test her wetness. She was almost embarrassed to find herself completely aroused again. The sensations that she had experienced whilst caressing him had turned her on and she knew that he would find her ready. Briefly he pushed his fingers inside her and then withdrew them before running them over his cock and coating it with her juices. This was another one of his seriously erotic moves and she Copyright 2016 - 2024