Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,104


She laughed, her hand continuing to caress the side of his face. She doubted if seeing her like this would have much effect on any of the men that she worked with but she appreciated the sentiment.

He cocked his head to one side, his expression suddenly serious. “I don’t want anyone else to see you like this – ever. Not even your excuse of a husband. I need to know that you will only ever wear these for me. Promise me, Elise? Promise me that you will only ever wear these for me?” His tone was pleading - earnest even - and she felt a thrill run through her as she registered that this was probably a situation he didn’t find himself in very often. He was powerful, commanding, authoritative and in parts, dominant; - to be virtually begging her now, illustrated his level of desire and she once again marvelled at the effect that she appeared to have on him.

“I promise.” She said with complete sincerity. It was an easy promise to make and as the implications sank in, she realised that it was also by far the hottest thing that she had ever agreed to do. To know that she could wear these to work, maybe let him know, maybe not – tease him knowing that he couldn’t touch her, paint endless visual pictures for him – just the thought had her libido in overdrive. She had never considered herself to be attractive but now, all of sudden, lying in this man’s arms she felt beautiful, sexy, desired and she decided there and then that she was going to push her newly found yearnings as far as she could.

An image of Dale popped unbidden into the back of her mind and ruthlessly she pushed it away. As far as she was concerned the physical side of their relationship was over – it had certainly not been consensual for a long time and she realised now that any desire she had thought she felt was nothing compared to what she was experiencing with Vaughn, here and now. She hadn’t told Vaughn yet that she intended to end her marriage – the time hadn’t been right and she didn’t want him to feel responsible. Out of some misplaced obligation, he might potentially say that he wanted to be with her, but faced with the reality of her actually leaving Dale, she wasn’t sure enough of Vaughn yet to know whether or not he would stay around to support her or bolt and leave her high and dry. That was a conversation that needed to happen - but not tonight. He was right – they both needed to have tonight.

Vaughn had now adjusted his position and was moving his hand back up her legs, dropping tiny little kisses in its wake, slowly working his way back up until he reached the top of her thighs and the junction there. Carefully he nuzzled his lips into her sex and began to lick his way around the edge of her curls. She had never experienced anything this intense and she arched off the bed, grasping at the sheets, writhing around as he continued to torment her with his teeth, his lips, his mouth.

Using his left arm, Vaughn braced it across her stomach to hold her still and then moved his mouth lower, dipping into her with his tongue and lapping at her juices. She cried out at the power of the feelings he was generating, helpless to prevent her arousal building.

“Vaughn...” she cried out, “I can’t hold on....”

He lifted his head and gently blew on her, his mouth moist from his ministrations.

“Try to hold on, baby – I’ll tell you when. Just hold back for me..”

They locked eyes for a brief second and then he dipped his head again.

He re-settled his mouth over her mound but with less force this time, running up and down and over her opening, suckling and lapping. He continued for endless minutes, varying the pressure, the depth, the pattern and the only sound that could be heard in the room was that of Vaughn suckling at the heart of her. Soon she had reached fever point again and began pushing against his arm that was holding her down, trying to wriggle around to get some purchase somewhere, some kind of release. This was the worst kind of torture and just when she thought she really couldn’t take any more, he moved his mouth higher and found the hard Copyright 2016 - 2024