Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,106

watched enthralled as he pumped his fist up and down his length, covering himself in her juices and increasing the pace until he clearly couldn’t stand anymore.

“Are you on birth control?” he ground out, desperation radiating from every pore.

She nodded – she was on the pill but only to regulate her periods. Since they had found out that Dale couldn’t father children, the birth control side of it had become slightly irrelevant.

“I’m clean – I promise,” he said “I have never been with anyone without a condom before and I have been checked. I really need to feel you – all of you. I have to be bare with you Elise - will you let me?”

He continued to stroke himself slowly as she watched and considered. She wanted him, desperately, and she wanted to feel all of him too. She had to take his word and trust him, and ultimately, she knew that she did.

“Yes.....yes” she replied and locked her eyes onto his as he released himself and slowly began to push into her. She stilled momentarily as she adjusted to his size and he paused to allow her to do so, and then he gently pushed in a little bit further. Suddenly, as if he couldn’t wait any longer, he thrust himself the rest of the way until he was buried to the hilt.

He let out an almost agonised groan.”Fuucckkk.... Elise – you have no idea how good that feels...Shit, I’m not going to last long – I hope you’re ready for me baby.”

He began to move and she joined with him, meeting him thrust for thrust as they writhed together on the bed. Vaughn kissed her deeply, wetly and their tongues met, thrusting in time with their bodies. Wet skin slapped against wet skin and time stood still as Elise felt herself falling deeper with this man. He did things to her that she had never imagined possible and she could hardly believe that this was happening to her. She felt a burning and tingling starting at her core and she knew that she was going to find her release again.

Vaughn had increased the speed and he lifted his head to look at her, hair flopping over his face. “Look at me Elise – I need you to keep your eyes open. I need to see you when you come.”

Obligingly, she locked her eyes on his; she couldn’t have looked away if she’d tried. The sensations built, the tingling began to spread throughout her body and she felt her inner muscles tightening against his cock. She could feel him all the way inside of her, pounding relentlessly and she watched as his face twisted almost in agony, and his pupils dilated.

“Shit, Elise...I need you to come with me.... now!” he implored and as if on command she let go, screaming as the overwhelming sensations took over; crying his name and feeling the warmth of his seed as he pumped everything that he had into her. Thrusting until he had nothing left to give, calling out to her, groaning as he drew out the last of his release, circling inside her, pushing one final time.

Their eyes remained locked, open, their emotions raw for each other to see, neither of them willing to look away, to break the moment. Watching each other, cataloguing their every feature as they began to calm, and come down from a high unlike anything Elise had ever experienced before. She had no idea what that had just meant for Vaughn but for her, it had meant everything. More than everything - more than she had ever believed possible.

In that moment, in that space of time, in that hotel room, in that man’s bed, in that man’s arms, she knew with absolute clarity that from here on in, whatever happened and whichever path she followed, nothing in her life would ever be the same again.

Chapter Twenty-Five

The conference was in full swing and having already spoken to a number of potential client’s, Elise took a moment to catch up with her paperwork and gather her thoughts.

After experiencing the most mind-blowing sex of her life, she had fallen asleep wrapped in Vaughn’s arms feeling the safest and most content that she had ever felt in her life. He had continued to whisper words into her ear as they had both come back down to earth and then he had tucked her against him, her back to his front and pulled the covers over them, urging her to get Copyright 2016 - 2024