Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,46

waiting for someone to open the door.

“Keep it cool for now, Ink,” Bear tells him. “We talk first. I want information before anyone loses their shit.”

“Hands off of Marco,” I warn. “He’s mine.”

Ink bangs on the Death Mongrels door again. “You got it, brother. I’ll just sit back and enjoy the show.”

The door swings open and we are greeted by a stout, drunk, man.

“WHA THE FUCK YOU WAN?” He mumbles.

“Marco,” I answer.

“NOT HERE, MAN,” he manages to answer.

“I don’t believe you,” Brick says, stepping forward. “How about you let us in.”


Tired of this shit, I walk around Brick and shove the drunken idiot out of my way. A moment later, I hear a thud and a moan.

“Come on, man,” Ink whines. “You couldn’t have fallen in the other direction? You had to fall face-first on my boot?”

Bear laughs as he follows behind me.

“He didn’t fall anywhere near you Ink, you took a step forward and kicked his fucking face.”

“Hey, I don’t wear these steel-toed boots for nothing.”

Ignoring my brother's bantering, I pick up my speed and head toward the voices coming from another room. I stop at the door and tap my sides, making sure my guns are where they need to be.

I don’t plan on making this short. But you never know when one of those fuckers will piss me off.

Grabbing the handle, I push the door open and walk into the room. There are five men hanging out on a set of couches with beers in their hands and women on their laps.

“Who the fuck are you?” One of them asks.

“Infernal Sons,” the man who I recognize as, Dagger, the Death Mongrels president, says. “What brings you by?”

I clench my fist in order to stop myself from running over and punching that smile off his ugly face.

Leaning against the wall, I cross my arms and wait.

“We’re looking for Breaker,” Prez says.

“You’re looking in the wrong place, man,” Dagger says. “Breaker left here hours ago.”

“He’s in the bathroom hiding like a bitch,” the oldest man says.

“What the fuck, Freeze?”

“Do you want to start something with the Sons?” Freeze asks his president. “Breaker is supposed to be our VP. I don’t want no VP who would cut off his own balls just to avoid getting killed.”

“Like, actually cut off his balls?” Ink’s face pales.

“Pretty sure he means Marco is a fucking coward,” Brick answers.

“We’ll be back in an hour,” Bear tells the room. Ink and Bear walk out of the room and shut the door.

I stay right where I am up against the wall with Brick to my left. I’m not a small man by any means, but the beast of a man even towers over me. I can never understand why people don’t run screaming when he enters a room.

“It’s because of my friendly eyes,” Brick answers my silent question, quietly.

I look up and raise my brows.

“I can read silent Trigger,” he grins. “Plus, you’ve asked me once before. You should smile more often. Then people wouldn’t be afraid of you.”

“I want them to be afraid,” I tell him.

I turn my gaze to Dagger, daring him to tell Marco that we’re still in the room. He must not like what he sees in my eyes because the coward sits back and remains silent.

It takes roughly five minutes before Marco finally enters the room.

“Fucking Infernal Sons,” he grumps. “Do you know how painful it is standing in one spot for half an hour while trying not to make a sound? My throat is killing me from holding back a damn cough.”

“Hey Breaker,” Brick says. “Names, Brick.”

Marco freezes and looks from me to Brick. “Yeah, I can see why,” he tells Brick. “You’re one giant man.” Marco turns his attention back to me. “Hey man, how’s my boy?”

“Brendon is perfectly fine,” Ink says, walking back into the room. “Actually, right now, he’s on his way to the hospital to be with his auntie/momma.”

“Can Trigger not speak?” the old man asks.

“Yep,” Ink answers. “But he doesn’t like speaking unless something is worth being spoken.”

“What’s happened to Thea?” Marco asks, looking everywhere but in my direction.

“I love this part,” Ink smiles wide. “This is where I tell you the stupid stuff that you did and how it made my man here very angry. I also warn you that he’s not very kind when he’s angry. I may also hint that he kills people who make him angry.

Sometimes just a quick shot to the head. He doesn’t miss, by the way. Copyright 2016 - 2024