Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,47

No matter how fast the person runs. Other times, he likes to take his time and use his hands. Once, he spent over a week inflicting torture that would make you weep at the mere thought of it on a man who hit his wife. He got revenge for a woman Trigger had never met until that very day. A complete stranger.

I tell you this because someone kidnapped his son and shot his woman. I can’t imagine what he has planned for the idiot who did that.”

“THAT’S MY SON,” Marco yells.

“You know,” Ink continues, ignoring Marco. “I wonder if I could watch this time, Trig?”

“You wouldn’t be able to handle it,” Brick grins. “I once saw him use a spoon to remove a man’s eye. While he was awake! It made me throw up. I never sat with him again while he was ‘questioning’ someone.”

“You have a choice, Dagger,” I say, speaking for the first time. “Head out and let me handle Marco. You don’t want a war with us. A war with us means war with the Soul Searchers.”

“FUCK!” Dagger shouts. “Damnit Breaker, I told you not to get the club involved.”

“Which was bullshit,” Marco says to Dagger. “We’re a club, and that means we have each other’s back.”

“Not this time, man. There is some shit we don’t get involved in. Kidnapping children and shooting innocent women are two of them. You’re no brother of mine. Everyone step back. If you decide to stay and help this man, then give me your fucking patches right now.”

The Death Mongrels give Marco one last look before turning and following their president out of the room.

All except one. A jacked-up man with a tattoo on his arm of a snake eating it’s own tail.

“Just go Motzo,” Marco says.

Before Motzo can utter a word, I raise my hand and shoot him in the head, killing him instantly.

“Well, that explains the tattoo,” Ink says.

“H…hhh…hey, wait a minute,” Marco stammers as I slowly walk forward. “Let’s talk about this, man.”

I wait until I’m toe to toe before punching him in the face. I feel a surge of excitement as I watch him fall to the ground, blood dripping from his nose.

“Hey, at least he didn’t back away when you got close to him,” Ink says. “Gotta give him points for that.”

“I already messaged Hawk to grab his truck and meet us here,” Bear says. “I figured you wouldn’t want things to end quickly.”

I look over to my president, and I do something I don’t normally do.

I smile.

“Holy fuck, you do have teeth. And a soul.”

“Shut the fuck up, Ink,” Brick laughs. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that smile is because of the plans the fucker has with Marco.”

He’s not wrong.

Just to be safe, I yank the cord from the back of a television and tie Marco’s hands and feet.

Twenty minutes later, Marco is hanging from the basement ceiling at the clubhouse, and I’m heading to the hospital to get my boy and wait for my woman to get better.

She better live. Because if she dies, I’ll burn this fucking world down.

Chapter Thirty


Am I dead?

“No darlin’, but you sure did come close.”

Where do I know that voice from?

The man chuckles. “Open your eyes, little darlin’, and take a look.

Holy cow, this man can read my mind.

His chuckle turns into a loud laugh. “I’m not really sure I’d want that power if I had the choice. People carry too many secrets.”

If you can’t read my mind, then how are you answering the questions I’m thinking?

“Because you’re not thinking them, darlin’, you’re asking them out loud. Now, open your eyes and let me make sure that you’re really awake. Then I’ll call that man of yours to get his ass back here.”

Focusing my attention on my body, I slowly open my eyes. It feels like I’ve been asleep for weeks. Not in the, I’m completely rested, type of way. More like the, I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night, and my eyes are held down by weights, type of way.

Looking up, I see a giant figure hovering over my body. It takes a moment for my eyes to clear, but when they do, I give the man a small smile.

“Brick,” I say. “What are you doing here? Wait, where is here? Oh no, Brendon.”

I gather up all the strength I have and try to sit up only to be stopped by the fire I feel on the right side of my chest.

“Woah, easy darlin’. You won’t Copyright 2016 - 2024