Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,45

anything else, her eyes close. In a moment of panic, I fall to my ass. It takes me a few seconds to clear my mind and notice that she’s still breathing.

“Ambulance is on the way, brother.”

Brick is a comfort at my back with his hand on my shoulder. I have never felt weaker than I am at this moment.

“She said Brendon’s with the Miller’s,” I tell the room. “Let’s find out who the fuck they are and get my son back.”

“The ambulance will be here soon,” Bear says. “Why don’t you go to the hospital with Thea and let us handle this.”

“Fuck no, he’s not,” Chains interrupts before I have a chance. “If Thea wakes up and sees Trig standing there with no baby, she’s going to flip the fuck out. Slim can meet the ambulance and stay with her.”

“Agreed!” Hawk mumbles. “The girls can go with him.”

Knowing that my brothers will get shit done, I sit by Thea’s side with her hand in mine and my eyes on her chest. With each short inhalation of breath, my heart takes another beat.

I’m not sure how long I sit there before the ambulance arrives and takes my woman away. Not getting in that ambulance was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

“Found them,” Hawk says. “I don’t know how the fuck he did it but Phoenix found the Millers.”

“That boy scares the shit out of me,” Ink says.

I feel my lip tug in agreement. Yeah, Slim even scares me from time to time. He’s a smart boy.

“Forward the directions to everyone, Hawk,” Bear says. “Let’s hit the road.”

“Wait,” I say. “We need to make a plan. I want you all to go after my boy. But I’m going after Marco.”

“Not alone, you aren’t,” Brick crosses his arms over his chest. “You always seem to forget that we’re a family. When one of us is in trouble, all of us are.”

“Damn right,” Ink shouts.

“You go after Marco, and it’s going to start a war with the Death Mongrels,” Bear tells me.

“I’m not letting that mother fucker get away with what he’s done,” I growl. “I’m going after him, and I’m doing it alone.” I glare at Brick. “I won’t have any of you getting killed for me and my family.” I grab the patch that’s velcroed on the front of my vest and rip it off, handing it to Bear.

“I’m not going to start a war between The Infernal Sons and the Death Mongrels,” I say, looking into Bear’s eyes. “This is my battle to fight. The war is between me and Marco.”

“Bullshit, Trig,” Chains steps forward. “If you go in there alone, they’re going to kill you. They don’t fight fair. The moment it looks like you have the upper hand on Marco, those fucking Mongrels will jump you all at once. It’s suicide and you know it.”

“I’m not afraid of that damn club,” Bear says, walking toward me. “As Brick said, we’re a family. We’re in this together.” Bear shoves the patch back onto my vest. “You trusted me once many years ago and became my brother. Trust me now to fight at your side as brother’s do. Trust us all.”

I look around to each of my brothers. My family. And before I can stop it, a fucking tear falls from my eye. But I don’t wipe it away. I want them to see how much they mean to me since I can never find the words to say.

Brick walks forward and squeezes my shoulder. His eyes look lost. He’s going through some shit that he hasn’t shared with us. I’ll be reminding him of his ‘we’re family’ comment later.

“Alright,” Bear says, pulling my attention away from Brick. “Chains and Hawk, you two head to the Miller’s and get that baby. Take him straight to the hospital and stay with the girls and Slim. We’ll meet you there as soon as we kick some Mongrel ass.”

“HELL YEAH!” Ink shouts.

We all straddle our bikes and go our separate ways. Bear leads us to the Death Mongrels hideout, while we follow behind.

Marco is the one who started this war. But I’ll make sure I’m the one who ends it.

Knowing that I need to focus on the task at hand, I shove my worry over Thea and Brendon to the corner of my mind and concentrate on how I’m going to make this fucker suffer.

Chapter Twenty-Nine



“Party time, brothers,” Ink bounces on his heels, Copyright 2016 - 2024