Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,42

a mistake.

While her safety was my main concern, I don’t think that’s going to matter to her. She looked completely hurt when I left this morning.

I need to fix this. An idea forms in my mind as I straddle my bike.

I need her to know how much I love her. So, I’m going to show her something I never wanted anyone to know about.

I’m going to show her my first biggest mistake.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I’ve been at the Book Bin for a couple of hours now. So far, Brendon has been sleeping peacefully in my office.

I have the portable bassinet in the corner and my air mattress lying next to it. It took about an hour to get it all together because I had to drag my desk out to make room.

To say I’m exhausted would be an understatement. But no matter how hard I try I can’t fall asleep. I think coming here was a mistake. All I see when I close my eyes is Mason’s reaction when he gets home and sees that I’m gone.

I know him well enough to know that he’s going to lose his mind. But I feel so dang mad that he’s keeping me locked away like some naughty princess. I just need a couple of days to get my thoughts straight. I truly hope that he takes the time to do the same.

Knowing that sleep won’t be coming anytime soon, I decide to clean up the store. It’s been months since this place was last opened. It’s dusty, and a dozen unopened boxes of book orders sit in the storage room.

Might as well get started.

My plan is to get the place cleaned and organized and to open back up. Of course, I don’t know if I will be with Mason after today, so I should look for an apartment. The thought to buy back my old house was on my mind, but I think just leaving it behind and getting a fresh start would be the best choice.

I shut my office door and turn on some lights. Time to get to work.


I break down the last box and pile it with the rest. I’m not sure how long it took, but I finally have all the new books put away and my store clean. I could probably open back up tomorrow.

Surprisingly, Brendon slept through all of the noise I’ve been making. I checked on him a few times, but he was sleeping soundly. I wish I could do the same. Checking my watch, I see that it’s already eight in the morning.

So much for sleep.

I walk out of the storage room with the plan to make a bottle and wake Brendon up. I have him on a schedule to help him sleep through the night. That includes getting up early every morning.

When I get to the front desk, I look over and notice my office door is open.

I closed that, right?

I’m pretty sure I closed it the last time I checked on him. Then again, I’ve been so focused on trying not to think about Mason that I probably forgot.

However, the moment I walk into my office, I just know something is wrong. There’s a breeze coming through the opened window that was supposed to be closed.

I somehow unfreeze my feet and run to the bassinet.

Only to find it empty.

Laying in the center of the empty bed is a note.

If you want the boy back, come alone. If I see even one of those fucking Sons, I’ll sell the boy, and you’ll never see him again.

Scribbled across the bottom is an address. I read it again before tossing it down and grabbing my purse. I don’t know who took my baby, but I have a feeling it’s the same person who was after me all those months ago.

Why didn’t I just listen to Mason? He was right and only trying to protect us. Then I decide to be a freaking adult and make my own decisions and look where that got me.

I was so sure that everything was passed. I was positive that whoever was after me had gone away. How could I have been so stupid?

It takes me an hour to reach the address. I pull up to an old barn and turn off the car. I have a very bad feeling. I haven’t seen any other houses or buildings for about ten minutes.

There’s nothing else around here except the five or six motorcycles parked alongside the barn.

My flight or fight instinct is screaming Copyright 2016 - 2024