Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,41

of the way and make my way to an exhausted and beautiful Rose.

Leaning down, I kiss Rose’s forehead and lift baby Daisy.

“Hey, I was first,” Ink complain. “Give me my niece, fucker.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Bear grumps. “I won’t have my daughter's first word being fuck.”

I ignore everyone and take Daisy to the corner chair and sit.

“Hello, sweet one. Welcome to the world.”

Curious brown eyes look up, holding me captive. Well hell. Looks like I’ve been caught in the net by yet another pretty little darling.

“What is it with you and kids?” Ink asks.

“None of your business, Ink,” Bear says, stopping in front of me.

“Where’s that family of yours?” he asks.

“Home. Told her I would bring her over in the morning.”

“We hardly ever get to see your woman, Trig.” Ink leans down and lifts Daisy from my arms. Knowing I can’t be greedy, I allow it. “You come to the clubhouse alone, you spend the day alone, and you leave alone. If I didn’t know for sure, I would say she’s only in your head.”

“While I hate to agree with this idiot, he’s not wrong. I’ve seen Thea a few times in the past three months.” Bear throws me a disappointed look. “And I’ve only seen that baby once. I know the threat against her is still out there, but you can’t keep her hidden away. Besides, she’s alone practically every day. Wouldn’t it be safer for her at the club?”

These men are my family. I would do anything for them. However, right now, I want to punch them both in the fucking face.

Because they’re right.

I’ve been neglecting Thea and Brendon. I know in my heart that keeping them home was for their protection. However, I’m starting to think that maybe it wasn’t the right choice.

“Thea is far safer at your side than home alone,” Bear says. “Have you even told her what we found out the other day about Marco?”

I can’t have this conversation here. I already feel the lecture coming, and I haven’t even answered. I stand and walk out of the room.

“You haven’t, have you?” Bear says, shutting the door behind him. “Have you lost your fucking mind, Trig? Why haven’t you told her?”

“I didn’t want her to get frightened. I want all of the information before I tell her anything. Something isn’t adding up, Prez.”

“Breaker doesn’t have the snake tattoo that kid saw, I know. That isn’t the point. Thea is home alone all day with a baby. What if he decides to make a surprise visit while you’re away? How the hell is she going to know not to answer the damn door if you won’t give her the fucking information? She doesn’t like the guy, but he’s also given her no reason not to trust him during visits.

Now, we know who he is. We know that he has a plan, and we know that it involves Thea. Those damn Death Mongrels have themselves a Slim of their own, Trig. When he wants to get to Thea without you around, they can make it happen. Having all the information is key to her safety. Having no information is just handing him her corpse.”

“Damnit, Bear,” I shout. “You have no fucking idea how stressful this is. It’s taking everything I have not to pay the Death Mongrels a visit and put a bullet in Marco’s fucking head. Everything I do is for the protection of my family.”

“And in the process of protecting them, you’re pushing them away,” Brick adds, stopping beside me and squeezing my shoulder. “Information is important. You can’t be there to protect her every moment of the day. Give her what she needs to protect herself as best she can when she’s alone.”

Bear and Brick walk back towards the room. I don’t follow them. The need to get home to Thea is the only thing on my mind.

“And Trig,” I stop and look back to Bear. “I do know how stressful it is knowing my woman is in danger. I know how scary it can be. Rose is my whole world, and I could have lost her more than once. I know you think you’re alone in this, but we’re all standing right beside you.”

I nod my thanks and walk away.

I know he understands what I’m going through. Rose has a past that no one should ever have.

I also know that he’s right. I trust my brothers with my life. Especially Bear. So, I can trust them with Thea and Brendon’s.

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