Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,40

minute. With her panting face caged between my forearms, I lean down and kiss the scar on her face.


Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m in the middle of changing Brendon’s diaper when Mason rushes into the nursery.

“Gotta go, little one,” he whispers. “Bear just called and said Rose is in the delivery room about to have her baby.”

I can’t help the smile the shoots across my face. “Oh, that’s wonderful. Give me a few minutes to get Brendon and myself dressed, and we can head out.”

Mason wraps his arms around me from behind.

“It’s not even four in the morning, baby. I want you two to stay home and get some more sleep. I can take you over first thing in the morning.”

In the morning?

“Why can’t I come with you now?” I ask, offended. “I want to be there with everyone else when the baby is born.”

“You know why, little one.”

Knowing that I’m about to lose my temper, I place a sleeping Brendon in his crib and walk to the living room. Mason follows less than a minute later.

“I understand your frustration.”

“No, I don’t think you do.” I try keeping my voice down, but my anger is boiling over. I’m tired of him treating me like a prisoner. “I’m stuck in this house every moment of every day. I love Brendon with my whole heart, but my goodness, I need a break. It’s been months, Mason. MONTHS! The threat is behind me. It was just someone being stupid.

I do the same monotonous things from the moment I open my eyes until I crawl under the blankets. I don’t feel like your girlfriend. I feel like a freaking prisoner.”

Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. I don’t ever get angry, but I need him to understand how I’m feeling. I know he cares for me, but he never wants me to leave this house. It’s starting to take its toll.

“I just want to be there for my new friend,” I whisper, resigned.

Mason lovingly kisses my forehead.

“And you will be. First thing in the morning. I’ll be back soon. Lock the door and set the alarm behind me.”

Without another word, he turns and walks out the door.

Knowing he won’t leave until I do as he said, I lock the door and set the alarm. A minute later, his bike starts up, and the sound fades away.

I don’t think Mason realizes how much he just hurt me. Knowing that he’s driving off to wait with his family while a new member is being born and not allowing me to be part of that is breaking my heart.

I love him. I truly do. My soul will always belong to him. But I can’t take this anymore. I’m tired of being shoved behind a door and told to stay put.

If Mason wants to treat me like I’m not part of his life, then so be it.

I move quickly and pack Brendon’s clothes and essentials. I throw a few extra outfits for myself in a bag and take everything to the car. Once it’s all packed, I secure the baby in his car seat and get behind the wheel.

I hope I’m doing the right thing. I just need a few days to think things over. Some time apart might do us some good. Maybe then Mason will come to the conclusion that I don’t want to live in complete solitude for the rest of my life.

I crave that taste of family that I know I can have that with Mason’s friends. But I’ll never know if he doesn’t loosen the knot he has tied around me.

I start the car and drive to the only place I have left in this world.

The Book Bin.

Chapter Twenty-Five


It took Rose five hours to bring her daughter into this world. Apparently, that was a very fast delivery, according to one of the nurses.

It was anything but fast for me. I thought about Thea and the look in her eyes when I left her. I know leaving her and Brendon at home was the right thing to do. She’s only upset because she doesn’t have all of the information.

“What’s her name?” Ink asks.

“Daisy,” Bear answers. “The moment I saw her, I knew she was my perfect Daisy.”

“What is it with you and flowers?”

“Shut the fuck up, Ink, and come see your niece.”

We all follow Bear into the room.

“Hey guys,” Rose whispers. “Come say hi to the newest member of our family. Daisy, these are your uncles Brick, Ink, and Trigger.”

I shove Brick and Ink out Copyright 2016 - 2024