Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,15

stare at his face. For some reason, the visual of him helps keep me calm.

“You’re my safe place,” I admit. I know it probably sounds silly to him, but he is. I’ve known it from the moment I saw him at the clubhouse.

A small grin pulls at the corner of his mouth.

“And you’re mine to protect,” he says.

I close my eyes and commit to memory his face, his smell, his words at this moment. I’m his to protect.

He most likely means until we find the guy who hurt me. But, I’m taking his words and holding them tight.

I’m his.

“I have to pee,” I say, trying to get up.

Trigger stands and picks me up bridal style.

“Oh, gosh. I’m going to break your back. Put me down,” I beg.

I don’t want to hurt him or see the struggle of my weight as he attempts to carry me.

Trigger just glares at me.

“Under normal circumstances, I would spank your ass for saying such mean things about yourself,” he admonishes me. “But, today, it’s just a warning. Don’t do it again.”

Stunned, I stay silent as he effortlessly carries me to the bathroom.

“Go potty, and I’ll be right back,” he says, gently placing me down beside the toilet.

Not knowing what else to do, I pull my pants down and go potty.

Chapter Eleven


What the hell am I thinking? I can’t talk to her like that. Especially not before I’ve talked to her about what I want in a relationship. What I want requires an insurmountable amount of trust. Not just from her, but on my part as well.

I need a woman who is strong and brave enough to let go and give everything to me. So, that I can protect and care for her in all ways.

Hearing her down herself had me boiling. She’s nothing but absolutely perfect. I won’t allow anyone to talk bad about her. Not even herself.

“How is she?” Ink asks, looking exhausted.

None of us slept through the night. None of us left. Bear called and had Chains bring Rose and Slim to his house for the night.

“In shock, for the most part,” I answer. “I got it from here. You all head on home and get some sleep.”

No one moves.

I shake my head. This is why these men mean so much to me. Stubborn fucking men.

“Honestly, everything will be fine,” I say. “I’m going to get her cleaned up and fed before we have a talk. The moment I know anything, I’ll let you know.”

With satisfied nods, everyone turns to leave.

“Thank you, brothers,” I say, surprising everyone.

“I think we’re going to start seeing the side of Trigger that he keeps locked away,” Brick says.

“Happy for you, brother,” Bear says. “Keep her safe.”

“With my life,” I answer honestly.

I watch as each brother straddles their bikes and drive away. Knowing I need coffee, I start the pot before heading back to Thea.

Just as I’m reaching for the door handle, she lets out a frightening scream.

I slam open the door and see my little woman looking at herself in the mirror, bandages on the sink.

“This isn’t a small cut, Trigger,” she says, fresh tears running down her face. “This is so deep. Oh god, this is going to scar. I’m going to be so ugly. No one will ever love me now.”

“That’s five,” I warn.

She turns to looks at me. “Five what?” she asks, confused.

“Five smacks on your beautiful bottom when you’re feeling better. I told you not to say negative things about yourself.”

“You’re really going to spank me?” she asks, eyes wide. Face completely forgotten.

“Count on it,” I say. “You are my woman, and I will do everything in my power to protect you. Even from derogatory words inflicted upon yourself.”

“By spanking me?”

I walk up behind her and wrap her in my arms.

“Look at yourself, baby,” I say against her head. “Look how fucking beautiful you are. I will not have you thinking you are anything less. It’s a daddy’s job to protect his little girl in every situation. I failed you once already because I was a coward. It won’t happen again.”

I wait and gauge her reaction to the daddy, little girl, comment.

It doesn’t take long. Shock, longing, doubt than hope all shine on her face.

“Daddy?” she whispers.

Kissing her head, I say, “Yeah, little one. But that’s a conversation for later. First, let’s get you in the shower and cleaned up before we eat breakfast.”

As if on autopilot, Thea doesn’t move unless I guide her. Once I have her undressed, I remove my clothes Copyright 2016 - 2024