Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,16

and start the shower.

It takes every amount of strength I have not to caress her naked skin. Now isn’t the time. My daddy side surges forth and takes over. First things first, I need to wash the dried blood from her hair. Using diligent moves, I guide her head under the spray to wet it.

Seeing my little girl give in completely has me hopeful. Maybe it’s just shock from everything that she went through. But it could be because she’s a natural submissive. A natural Little.

After I wash her hair and body, I quickly wash my own.

“Let’s get you dried off and fed,” I tell her. “What do you think about that?”

A small smile escapes her, and she nods her agreement.

I shove my same clothes back on before sitting Thea on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a towel.

“Let me see what I can find for you to wear,” I mumble to myself.

I search all drawers until I find pajamas. I don’t plan on letting her leave the house today, so no need for anything else.

Walking back to her, I hold out two pairs of panties. One light purple with butterflies, and the other a sexy black lace thong that Thea had tucked away in the back.

I wait for her to choose.

A test.

With a shy smile, she points to the panties with the butterflies.

“Good girl,” I praise.

I help her in them and sit her back down.

I grab the two pairs of pajamas. One, a silk black nightgown, and the other a pink pants and long sleeve set.

Thea’s face reddens with her embarrassment. I smile and wait.

With a resigned sigh, she points to the well-used, pink set.

After helping her get dressed, I clean her face and apply a new bandage. Wrapping her in my arms, I hold her tight.

“I’m so proud of you, babygirl,” I praise. “You were so brave and did so very good.”

I feel her soft smile against my skin.

The small amount of hope I felt before, soars.

Chapter Twelve


What is happening? Did he notice my stuffie or something while in my room? Is he making fun of me?

I don’t think it’s that. He seems genuine when talking. And he’s taking care of me like he actually cares. I smile at the thought but then instantly cringe. My face hurts really bad.

“I’m going to grab some pain meds for you,” Trigger says. “You need to take them before you eat.”

I don’t talk or smile but gently nod that I understand. Any other movement seems to cause me pain.

I think back to that moment in the bathroom when I first saw myself in the mirror. The cut is much bigger than I originally thought. It’s definitely going to scar. And not one of those scars that you hardly notice. This one is going to be deep, red, and sticking out for everyone to see.

No amount of makeup will be able to cover it.

“Here, little one,” he says, holding out two pills. “Drink as much of this water as you can.”

I put the pills in my mouth, and he holds a straw up to my lips. Feeling thankful that he thought of the straw, I drink most of the water.

“Good girl,” he praises with a smile.

I smile back as best as I can. I love it when he says that. And, when he calls me, little one.

“I’ll make some scrambled eggs,” he tells me once I’m settled on the couch. “It should be easier for you to eat.”

“Thank you,” I tell him.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

With a kiss to my forehead, he heads to the kitchen.

He was right; the scrambled eggs were the best option. They were soft and easy. Trigger even cut them into smaller bites, so I didn’t have to open my mouth as far.

Such a caring man.

Once we both ate, he settles beside me on the couch. We sit in silence.

“I was stupid,” I say, breaking the silence. “I told Ink and Bella that I didn’t need them to stay longer. That I wasn’t scared. But when they left, I realized that I was wrong. I was scared. Very scared.

I know better than to park my car in the back of the lot when I work late. The lights don’t reach all the way back there. But I parked it there the morning before because I hadn’t planned to stay all day. On my way to the car, I heard footsteps behind me, so I ran. The man caught me when I was searching for my keys.

He told me that Copyright 2016 - 2024