Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,14


“That’s going to scar, brother,” he tells me. “No getting around it. It’s going to be a deep one, too.”

I know he’s right. It doesn’t bother me, but I have a feeling it’s going to bother her.

After changing her bandage into one with antibiotic cream, we walk back to the group of waiting men.

“She’s going to be okay,” Bear says. “I know we only just met her, but we all know that she’s family now. She belongs to Trigger, which means she belongs to us. Someone harmed one of ours, brothers. They cut her deep enough to scar. When we find out who did this, we each get a turn. Trigger goes first, and he goes last.”

Everyone nods, each with enraged eyes.

Seeing each brother pissed that my woman was harmed does my blackened soul good.

We all find a comfortable spot and wait for Thea to wake up. No matter how long it takes, we won’t leave her side until she’s awake and safe.

I won’t leave her side ever again. The tiny, curvy, beautiful woman dug herself into my soul and took root. She’s the bright light in the middle of all my darkness.

Now, I just need to get her to give me a chance.

I rush to her room when I hear her cry out.

She’s having a nightmare.

I lay down beside her in bed and take her hand in mine.

“It’s okay, little one,” I whisper. “I’m right here, baby. Daddy is right here.”

I’m not sure if she hears what I’m saying, but she instantly calms down.

She and I need to have a long talk. Not just about the person who did this, but about us.

And it has me nervous as fuck.

Chapter Ten



The first thing I notice when I wake up is how much my face hurts. Then I hear people distantly talking.

All at once everything comes rushing back. Leaving the Book Bin, rushing to my car, being grabbed from behind.

The knife slicing down my face.

I feel someone grab my foot, and I scream. I belt the scream that I wanted to release when the man was hurting me. I scream the fear of being alone. I scream for the help that I knew wasn’t coming.

I scream until my voice cracks and gives out.

I hear the voices again. One voice sounds so familiar, but I can’t figure out who it is.

Is it the man who hurt me? Did he come back?

I try to scream again, but a pathetic whimper escapes instead. So, I curl up as small as my fluffy body allows, and cry.

“Please, don’t hurt me,” I manage to get out.

“I need you to hear me, little one,” the familiar voice says. “I need you to open your eyes and see me.”

Shaking my head, I squeeze my eyes tighter. Please, go away. Please, don’t be real.

“Come on, little one,” the voice repeats, gently. “Open your eyes.”

I burrow further into the soft material beneath me.

“Thea, open your eyes,” the voice says, sternly.

I don’t want to. I want to stay in my dark cocoon until the bad man leaves.

But I can’t seem to help myself. That voice, the authority, pulls me from my panic, and I open my eyes.

It takes a second for my sight to adjust to the light, but once it does, I see the one person I never thought I’d see again.

“Trigger?” I whisper. “Is that really you?”

“Yeah, babygirl. It’s me.”

Without a second thought, I launch myself at him. In mere seconds, I’m wrapped safely in his arms.

I’m not sure what comes over me. Maybe it’s the feeling of safety, or maybe it’s because I don’t feel alone at the moment, but I cry. I shove the uninjured side of my face against Trigger’s chest and cry.

I can feel his face against the top of my head as his large hand rubs small circles against my back, but that’s all I can process. The need to release this fear, to give it to someone else, is so massive. Knowing that Trigger can handle it, I give him everything. My fear, my pain, my trust, my heart.

My soul reaches out one more time for that connection. It grabs ahold of Trigger and refuses to let go.

“I’m here, little one,” he says. “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

He holds me until my tears dry. Then he lays me back down in the bed and lays in front of me.

“When you’re ready,” he says, moving my hair off my face. “I need to know what happened.”

I nod my understanding and just Copyright 2016 - 2024