Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,31


“Cute,” he said with a smirk before nodding to the last guy in the room not broken and nodding to the guys that obviously needed help. Then he pulled out his phone and started snapping out some orders, using words like, ‘Call the Vet’ and ‘Clean-up crew’. After this he turned back to me and said,

“You never answered my question, Dollface.” So, I told him,

“Let’s just say that I didn’t feel like being with my boyfriend anymore and decided he didn’t need it.”

“And now?” he asked with what I now noticed was with a scarred brow raised.

“Now I just wanna get the hell out of Dodge and in doing so, am about to offer you the deal of a lifetime,” I said making him once again look sceptical, in that bad ass menacing way of his before saying dryly,

“Yeah, like what, damaging more of my guys when they show up?”

“Not unless PMS kicks in before they get here,” I replied with a wink.

“Funny,” he said with a sarcastic grunt.

“Look, this is the deal, you get a car worth half a mill for any car you got in this place that has a pink slip so I can sell it legit… capeesh?” I said lowering the gun in hopes of finally gaining his trust.

“Are you shitting me right now, did you just say capeesh?”

“Too much?” I asked with a wince.

“What do you think?” he asked in a knowing tone, so I looked off to one side and muttered,

“Damn, it felt like the right time too.” His grin said it all and he ended up muttering his own,

“Damn girl, but your crazy is making me hard.”

“Okay, so ignoring the obvious imprint of your cock against your jeans… Mazel tov by the way,” I said nodding to the impressive length and making him smirk as he fought another big grin.

“Ask yourself, would a sane person have just pulled the shit that I did unless they were desperate.”

“Your point being?” he asked, clearly enjoying this conversation, as now he couldn’t stop from grinning at me.

“My point is that lucky for you my sanity isn’t up for sale, my car however is and for one night only you get the chance to cash in on that desperation, because I know what she is worth and so do you,” I told him making him mutter,

“Jesus, you are fucking insane…hot, but fucking insane.”

“Tonight, then you can bet your ass I am, but I am also gonna bet that those bleeding guys of yours aren’t looking too bad right now and a quick trip to the ER is all it will take for them to be right as rain and you, my friend, will be sitting pretty, all because some crazy chick drove in here after having the worst fucking day of her life and decided a nice vacation from life looked good right about now, starting with a car that can’t be traced…so whatcha say…we got a deal?” I said holding my free hand out ready for him to shake and after giving me a probing look for a few seconds, he asked,

“You gonna give me back my gun?”

“I don’t know, you gonna play nice with it or do I have to take it off you again, only this time accidentally on purpose snapping something important when I get it back?” I said, making my point and in turn making him grin huge this time.

“Mmm, fuck I knew I would like you,” was his strange and obviously aroused reply.

“Feeling’s mutual…of course, that will change the second you try and shoot me again.” He gave me a toothy grin this time and nodded,

“I think we have an understanding, Doll.” I gave him a head nod in return and handed him back the gun, hoping that my act of good faith would gain me respect instead of a bullet. But then I picked up the knife I had dropped close by, wiping the blood on the leg of the guy whose balls weren’t gonna be working great for a while and told Big B with a grin,

“I’m keeping this though.” He laughed and said,

“Sugar, I am thinking you could do more damage with that than I ever could with this, but I respect the trade,” he said tucking his gun in the waistband of his belted jeans after first lifting up his t-shirt showing the hint of rippled abs. Doing it like the badass gangster and motioning with a nod of his head for me to follow him. I Copyright 2016 - 2024