Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,30

have had you on my crew in a heartbeat…of course, it helps that you’re hot as fuck!” he said looking me up and down with that hungry look.

“Uh, thanks I guess…I don’t suppose this is your way of asking me on a date is it?” I chuckled in a nervous way, making him grin.

“Well, if I didn’t fear my dick from being ripped off, then I would be tempted to go a round with you in my bed instead of pulling the trigger…damn shame,” he said with a shake of his head, adding,

“No hard feelings, yeah? This is just business, Doll.”

“Please, don’t do this…just hear me out before you…well, you know, shoot me in the head,” I said as I raised my hands slowly making him think that I was doing so to get him not to shoot me. I also moved ever so slightly to one side as I did this before I made my move. One that quickly made him realise that my fear wasn’t real.

This was because the moment I got my hands up to the level of the gun, I quickly crossed them over at the same time stepping sideways so if he managed to pull the trigger, my head was no longer in the line of fire. Then in a flash of movement, I had the back of my wrist against his own and I grabbed the barrel of the gun with my other hand so I could flip it, which ended with it now pointed at his head instead of my own. After this I stepped back with it in my hand, doing as he should have done by putting distance between us.

“Oh yeah, thanks for loading this one for me, I am hopeless with guns,” I said with a wink, making him start to look pale.

“Jesus lady, just who the fuck are you?!” he said as I nodded for him to back up.

“Just call me a woman scorned who’s having one bad fucking day,” I told him making him frown before telling me,

“Well, I know I didn’t fuck you, as trust me sweetheart, I would most definitely remember a sweet, crazy ass piece like you.”

“Aww, you say the sweetest things, sugar,” I replied blowing a kiss his way making him smirk back at me.

“I do you wrong in some way?” he asked crossing his arms over his chest making his muscles bulge in the black shirt he wore open over a dark grey T-shirt underneath.

“Nope, in fact, I’d never heard of you until this day.” At this he raised a disbelieving brow.

“So why you here fucking up my guys?” At this I laughed once in a disbelieving way and told him,

“Hey, you started it, buddy, by setting your dogs on me, what’s a bitch to do?” This made him scoff with a nod of his head before he asked,

“Then what do you want?”

“Like I said, what I want is to make a deal,” I told him making him frown in suspicion.

“Then, Bitch, you really are crazy, how’d I know you ain’t no cop?” Now this did make me laugh,

“Are you serious, you really think I would drive in here like a crazy person in a half million-dollar car dressed as a damn flight attendant, if I was an undercover cop…Seriously, you’re that paranoid?” I asked letting my tone do half my point making for me.

“Then what are you doing with that fucking car? ‘Cause I doubt being a waitress in the sky is that good for tips…unless you offer a little summat, summat extra…”

“Eeew, no…jeez, can you just go back to calling me a bitch as I will take that over a mile-high whore any day of the week, thanks,” I said after making a face that said it all, pushing my glasses up my nose in disgust.

“Oh sure, why fuck a guy for money when you can just beat his ass and take it…right?” he argued, back to crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at his guys on the floor still groaning in pain…the ones that hadn’t already passed out of course.

“Huh, excuse me, but do you see me stealing their wallets and besides, don’t you think it’s about time you get them to a hospital or something.”

“Oh, now she’s concerned… I dunno, you gonna shoot me when my back’s turned?” he said first talking to the room as though we had an audience.

“Now why would I do that when I am just starting to like you.?” I replied Copyright 2016 - 2024