Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,63

a fool concerns himself with ‘fairness’ when working with Vamps.

Trevor, Rouel, and Eric left shortly before midnight. As the three left, Rouel leaned close to Trevor and inhaled deeply one more time.

“Back the hell off me, Vamp,” Trevor warned as anger began to sizzle beneath the surface of his skin.

Rouel smiled sardonically, “Backing off.”

Trevor didn’t trust the slimy blood-sucker any further than he could throw him. He realized that he would have to stay away from Becki from here on out. He mourned the loss of his only true friend.

Landon and his band of ‘Werey’ men left soon after Trevor and his Vamps cleared out.

“Chance and Devon, you’re on watch tonight,” Landon said as they pulled in the driveway. “I scented Becki all over Trevor, so I’m sure his friends did too. That classifies her as a high-risk probability in this mess. Unfortunately, she is closely linked to Kurt and the girls, so they are now high-risk as well.” Vamps made Landon edgy. Vamps with an agenda made him downright paranoid. Obviously, they were here for the coin, but why?

The Were/Vamp treaty specifically prohibited running the Vamps out of town unless their behavior became problematic. Without a doubt, problematic was fast approaching. Chance and Devon would patrol tonight, and he would have a talk with Royce and Kurt first thing in the morning.

Tomorrow promised to be a long day on the water, and Landon needed to be ready for trouble. With Vamps in town, trouble was sure to follow.

Stifling a yawn, he closed his bedroom door and stripped before climbing into bed. The body temperature of Were increased substantially at night. The least amount of clothes they had to wear after dark, the more comfortable they were.

* * * *

CHAPTER SEVEN Becki struggled to open her eyes against daylight streaming in through the window.

“Ommff,” she groaned deciding it was best to keep her eyes closed for the moment. Seriously, what had happened last night? She remembered dancing with Trevor and getting into a discussion about nights and days? No, that didn’t seem right. She wrinkled her brow as she struggled to recall the details of the previous night.

It came to her in a flash…not days and nights. Rather-- White Knights and Dark Lords! Dark Lords? Oh yes, Royce.

“Jackass,” she mumbled pulling the covers firmly over her head. Scenes from last night flashed through her mind. She frowned as she remembered Royce bodily ripping her away from Trevor just as Trevor was going to kiss her.

“Hypocritical Jackass,” she amended.

Things became a little blurry after that although… she sort of remembered seeing Landon. She would have to call him later and thank him for bringing her home. She needed coffee. Black gold was the only thing that would help this hang-over. She forced herself to throw back the covers, but she hadn’t yet worked up the courage to open her eyes.

“What an idiot,” she groaned, attempting to force her body to cooperate. There was a long list of things to be done today starting with a huge pile of laundry. She really needed to get moving. Gritting her teeth in determination, she opened her eyes and rolled her body hard to the right. Becki’s momentum was interrupted as she collided with a wall of solid muscle. Becki screamed as she sat up rapidly.

“Way to charm her, Royce,” said a sarcastic voice from the open doorway.

Royce? Where was she? Becki realized that she was not at home after all. How long had Royce been lying next to her? Watching her? Narrowing her eyes to stare more intently at him, she saw humor simmering just below the surface.

To hell with this! If he thought he could kidnap her and then laugh at her, he could think again.

Becki quickly rolled to her left. Her eyes darted to the doorway calculating the fastest escape route. To compound an already uncomfortable situation, the bimbo Royce had been fawning over yesterday was standing in the open doorway. However, today she was dressed in a short robe with a towel turbaned around her head.

Becki stopped mid-roll… her eyes wide-open now.

“You’d better start charming her, Royce. She looks ready to bolt,” said the tramp in the towel, as she pushed off the doorway and strolled gracefully away. She turned to smile and say, “I’ve got coffee made.”

Ok, maybe she wasn’t such a troll after all. However, the grinning male lying beside her was even more of a jackass than she thought. Becki fought the nearly overwhelming urge to beat him Copyright 2016 - 2024