Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,62

his gaze to Trevor, and advised, “You really should be choosier when it comes to picking friends. These guys could be seriously hazardous to your health.”

As the group took their leave of the Vampire’s table, Landon called over his shoulder, “Watch your step gentlemen, and I use that term loosely, because we will be.”

Since they were already at a bar, Landon decided they might as well blow off some steam. He chose a corner table because he preferred to sit with his back to the wall.

“What do you anticipate their life expectancy to be?” Chance asked nodding to the table they had just abandoned.

“Pretty damn short,” Bradley responded with a snort.

“Can I bring you boys something? Anything at all?” a scantily clad waitress asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Landon had caught her scent as soon as he crossed the threshold of the bar. His hand snaked out to encircle her wrist. He gave a slight tug and she plopped into his lap.

“Hi, Rach,” Landon greeted her by nuzzling her neck and resting his hand on her slightly protruding stomach.

“I’m headed to the dance floor,” Chance announced as he stood. “I need to find me some action.”

Two more chairs were vacated as Bradley and Devon followed.

“An alpha in the making,” Rachel observed with a grin.

“Yes, but there is still some work to do first,” Landon added.

Landon gave Rachel a smacking kiss on the cheek before helping her to her feet.

“You boys stay out of trouble tonight. I’m heading home in another ten minutes. Do you need anything before I go?”

Landon shook his head but flashed a grin as he said, “Just tell your old man, that I kissed his wife and felt his baby kick tonight.”

Rachel laughed and said, “You’re a foolish man Landon Smith to risk the wrath of my Jay. But rest assured, I’ll be sure and tell him.” She turned and blew him a kiss as she walked away.

Landon chuckled. Jay was like a brother to him. They had been raised together as pups. Jay and Rach had been married forever, and she was expecting their third child. She was still as beautiful as ever and still thought the sun rose and set in her husband. They both knew Jay would take a bullet for Landon, but it tended to stir his Wolf if Rach bore even the slightest scent of another man. Landon knew the next time he saw Jay, he would have to listen to him bitch about the sleepless night he would have tonight.

There were times when Landon envied Jay. And other times, like when he was talking to him on the phone and the kids were screaming, he wondered if he would ever be ready for a commitment like that.

Shaking off the seriousness of his thoughts, Landon stood to join the party currently in progress on the dance floor.

Women had started crawling all over the boys within a matter of minutes. Their bulky bodies were like magnets to all females in the vicinity. Soon the dance floor was rowdy and full. The drinks and the women just kept showing up. Due to their metabolism and body mass, alcohol had little effect on Were. In Landon’s experience, that had proved to be a handy advantage when it came to womanizing and pool tournaments.

Rouel watched the Were with distain. His hatred overruled his fear, but tonight he kept both restrained. He would bide his time until the coin was found. Trevor slid another drink in front of him, his favorite-Bloody Mary. As Trevor reached across him, he picked up an underlying scent. He leaned toward Trevor, inhaling deeply.

“Mmmm, delicious. Who is she?”

Trevor, struggling for nonchalance, responded, “Who knows, I’ve been trying to score all evening.” He had hoped to cover Becki’s scent with that of the blond, but he had not had enough time to do an adequate job.

Sniffing again, Rouel said, “Yes, but one is stronger than the others.” With an evil leer, and flash of fang, he taunted Trevor, “Do you smell that Eric? Isn’t it divine?”

Trevor forced a grin and said to Rouel, “Sure wish I knew which one she was.”

“Eric? Are you ready for a refill?” Trevor asked, signaling the waitress to stop by their table when she had a moment. Vamps were less susceptible to the effects of alcohol than humans but not immune to it. Trevor, with a small bit of magic, could simply nullify the alcohol content in his own drinks. It was not exactly fair, but only Copyright 2016 - 2024