Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,64

soundly about the head, neck, and shoulders. She pushed into a more comfortable sitting position as she prepared to scramble off the bed and away from Royce.

A warm hand rested on her thigh for a moment before dragging her back down into the bed. Before she could think to react, Royce was looming over her trapping her body beneath his.

‘Like a rat caught in a trap,’ as her friend Jayne always said. Only in this case, the rat was the trap! Fury surrounded Becki. She felt as though she might actually drown in the emotions coursing through her body. She began to struggle for her freedom; she had to get away! Becki wanted to go home and forget that she had ever known Royce St. John. While she was at it, she also wanted to forget the fact that her heart felt like it was breaking. She wanted to forget the fact that she had just awakened in his bed, and that the first thing her eyes focused on was his girlfriend.

Feeling somewhat fragile this morning, Becki struggled intently trying to push Royce away from her. Tears hovered incredibly close to the surface.

“Get the hell off me,” she forced through gritted teeth. She tried to dislodge him using her entire body. She arched into him several times trying to gain a few inches of freedom.

“Becki,” Royce said, in a whisper. That whisper went straight to her heart, cracking it open even further.

“Don’t talk to me! Don’t say my name, and don’t touch me ever again. I thought we covered this last night,” she said hatefully. “What did you do, Royce? Bring me back here for a threesome?”

Anger flooded Royce’s body as her words grew increasingly ugly.

As soon as she felt him tense, she should have known she had gone too far. Of course, Becki never did know when to just keep her mouth shut and had to push the envelope a little further. “Well I’ve got news for you; I don’t play in that shit. Now get off me, you sick son-of-a-bi--”

There was very little time to give it much consideration as his lips crushed hers mid-curse.

Damn him! Why did he have to be such a good kisser? As he kissed her silent, Becki momentarily forgot that she was madder than hell. Once Royce lifted his lips from hers, it all came crashing back with a powerful surge of emotion.

Becki closed her eyes and felt the fight leave her body. Incredible anger had been replaced with hollowness.

“You need to stop and listen, Darlin’, before you say something you’ll surely regret,” Royce said softly.

“The only thing I regret right now,” Becki managed, “is that I ever met you.”

“I want some answers, Becki,” Royce demanded. He was tired of being punished for a crime he hadn’t committed.

“Maybe if you actually asked the questions, Royce, I could answer them for you. And then, you can let me up, so I can go home and get on with my life,” Becki said with resolve.

“Ok, why don’t we start at the beginning,” Royce suggested. “Why did you ignore my texts and phone calls yesterday?”

Becki tightened her jaw and turned her face as far away from him as she could.

“No response? Fine! Next question… why were you snuggled up with Simmons on the dance floor when I walked in the Pub last night?” he asked, clearly pissed off.

“You’re jealous? Oh, that’s rich coming from you, you big oaf,” Becki scoffed and pushed on his chest again. She tried not to notice how the springy curls, scattered across his chest, tickled her hands; practically begging her to run her fingers through them. Right-- her fingers-- and the fingers of every other female around apparently. When pushing didn’t work, she resorted to hitting him with her fists. The blows bounced off his pecs like cotton balls.

Capturing her hands, he trapped them both in one of his and pinned them above her head effectively halting the assault. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you looked at it, the move lined his body up with hers from head to toe. He began thinking about how good she felt under him, how he could get used to waking up with her every morning, and how great it would be making up after their fights. That was when he noticed she was crying.

Royce immediately released her arms and rolled off her body. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Did I hurt you?”

His apparent concern promptly turned the quiet tears trickling down her cheeks into Copyright 2016 - 2024