Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,50

the goose is good for the gander, if you ask me.”

Dyno walked out of the laundry room with a case of water. “I remember that argument. Quinn was ready to tape his phone to a random truck just to get rid of the damn thing.”

Kimber smirked. “That’s because he was the one to bring up using the tracking app with me. He didn’t like it very much after he realized he had to be tracked too if he wanted me to be.”

“Really?” Petra asked.

Kimber clenched her lips shut and shook her head. She leaned forward and whispered, “No, but I paid the sales clerk at the phone store fifty bucks to tell him that.”

All the girls burst out laughing, and Fancy high-fived Kimber.

“What’s so funny?” Dyno called.

“I was just telling them I almost peed myself the other day,” Kimber lied.

“Jesus Christ,” Dyno mumbled. “Forget I even asked.”

Rhino and Sledge worked on filling the coolers with beer and water while the rest of us hung balloons and streamers. When all the decorations were up, we took a step back and looked at our handy work.

“So, is Brick getting out of prison or graduating from pre-school?” I asked.

“Uh, well. You know, a little color never hurt anyone,” Kimber reasoned.

“I think it’s pretty fitting. This way, he sees just what he’s getting himself into as soon as he walks in the door.” Zephyr motioned to the room. “Fucking crazy.”

“Uh, are we in the right place?”

I glanced over my shoulder and found two women I had never seen before. Maybe these were the club whores like they had in Sons of Anarchy.

“Hey!” Queenie called. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.”

The woman with a bottle of booze in her hand shrugged. “Every now and then, they let me out of the office.”

“And I figured you could use a bartender,” the other one shrugged.

“Oh, please,” Queenie laughed. “As if I invited you to work, Robyn.”

“Lynn told me that, too, but I always seem to get stuck slinging drinks at parties.”

Robyn and Lynn did not seem to be like club whores.


“I think you know everyone but Deedra. She’s new to the group.” Queenie turned to me. “This is Point’s wife.”

“Oh,” Lynn gasped.

Queenie laughed. “It’s a long story. They’ve been married for five years.”

Robyn reached her hand to me. “It’s nice to meet you. I work at a bar downtown. That’s how Queenie and I met.” She tipped her head to the side. “And I know it sounds weird, but you look so familiar.”

I laughed and shook her hand. “Uh, you probably know me from the news.”

Robyn quirked her eyebrow.

“Oh, no! Not anything bad like I was the news.” Well, I had sort of been the news with Joseph’s murder, but I was never mentioned more than as one of the witnesses. “I’m a reporter. Deedra Martin.”

“Schmid!” Point called.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s Schmid again. That goes in with the long story about Point and me.”

Lynn waved at me. “I’m Lynn. I came into the group through Queenie, too. I worked with her sister before she passed away. I’m a therapist.”

Oh. Now things were starting to make sense.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I swept my arm around the room. “Welcome to the party.”

“Uh, I brought a bottle of booze, but it looks more like a kid’s birthday party.” Lynn held up the bottle of whiskey. “I feel like I maybe should have brought juice boxes.”

Queenie leaned in and whispered, “Kimber is pregnant, and she’s channeling her mommy vibes a little early. Just go with it. We promise the booze will be flowing.”

Lynn laughed. “Perfect. I need to unwind.”

“They’re coming!” Kimber called. She squinted at her phone. “They’re turning into the driveway, right…now!”

“I still can’t believe Quinn lets her track his ass. I’m pretty sure Sledge would throw my phone out the window and not think twice about it.”

The front door opened and Quinn walked in. “What in the fuck?” He curled his lip and shook his head.

The decorations weren’t bad, but they also weren’t fit for someone who just got out of prison. They didn’t have a prison release section at the party store.

A guy walked in behind Quinn and halted in his tracks. “You guys an MC or run a daycare?”

Quinn moved to close the door. “Somedays, I’m not sure,” he grunted.

“Welcome home!” Kimber and Fancy shouted.

Kimber tossed a handful of confetti into the air, and Fancy oohed and ahhed.

“You guys sure do know how to throw a banger,” Brick laughed. Well, I assumed he Copyright 2016 - 2024