Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,51

was Brick.

He wore a plain white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots. His head was shaved short, and his arms were covered with tattoos.

Forgive me for saying, but the man was model-worthy.

I think Lynn and Robyn agreed. They both whispered to each other while their eyes raked over Brick.

“You think his name is Brick because he’s built like a brick shithouse?” Queenie whispered to me.

I nodded dumbly. “Totally.”

Queenie folded her arms over her chest. “I love it when the road names are obvious.”

“Like Point’s?” I laughed. “He told me when he was younger, he used to ramble all the time, and everyone told him to get to the point. They started calling him Point, and he got good at getting to the point. I think it must have traumatized him a bit ”

Queenie tapped her nose. “Exactly. The one I can’t figure out is Zephyr. Fucking clueless on that one.”

So was I. I’m sure we would figure it out eventually. Maybe doing a little snooping on Google would figure it out. I was a reporter, after all, and loved a good mystery.

Brick made his rounds around the clubhouse, saying hi, and thank you to everyone. Things were a little awkward since Brick didn’t really know anyone, but in the end, he had to realize we were all here, and he would get to know us.

Point sidled up to me and draped his arms over my shoulders. “Having a good time?”

I nodded and leaned into him. “Yup.”

“Good, good.”

I glanced up at him. “What does that mean?” I asked,

He shrugged. “Just means good.”

“Why does it feel like there is more behind those good goods than it seems.”

Point grabbed my hand and pulled me to one of the corners of the room.

“What is going on?” I laughed.

He caged me into the corner with his arms and pressed his body against mine. “Hi.”

“Are you drunk?” What in the world had gotten into Point?

“Stone-cold sober, Dee.”

“Oookay. Is there a reason why we’re in the corner and not hanging out with our friends?”

Point glanced over his shoulder. “Nope.”

“Are you trying to keep me away from Brick?” I laughed.

He moved to the side and leaned against the wall.

“You are!”

“There ain’t nothing for you to see over there,” he grumbled.

Oh, Point. What a fool. “Do you really think I would take one look at Brick and leave you?”

“Fucking hell, Deedra. Did you see his arms? It’s like he’s got fucking pythons for arms.”

Obviously, Point had checked out Brick more than I had. “Pretty sure there’s not a ton to do in prison. He probably worked out every day.”

Point’s jaw dropped. “So, you noticed.”

I reached up and cradled his cheek. “I’m gonna need my secure and trusting Point back in about five seconds. Okay?”

Was Brick hot? Yes. Was that the end all be all? Hell no.

Point sighed. “He’s still there but slightly threatened by python man.”

I busted out laughing and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’ve never been into pythons.”

Point lifted me in his arms, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Jesus,” Quinn called. “Can you wait until after you meet Brick to get a room?”

Point turned to the side but didn’t let me go.

Quinn and Brick stood there, both with smirks on their lips.

“You wanna put her down?” Quinn bit off.

Point shook his head. “Nah, I like her where she is.”

I giggled and wrapped my arms around Point’s neck. “I’m good here, too.”

Point squeezed me and pressed a kiss to my neck.

If Brick being around was going to make Point more affectionate, I wasn’t going to complain. I was going to soak in all of it and just enjoy it.

Quinn rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. “This is Point and his wife, Deedra. I’m gonna let this bullshit pass for the moment since they just got back together.”

Brick held out his hand, and Point managed to shake it without dropping me.

“Sup,” Point grunted.

Oh, Lord. I was going to really have to show Point he was the only man for me once we got into bed tonight.

I shook Brick’s hand and smiled. “Congrats on getting out.”

“Thanks,” he chuckled. “I didn’t expect all of this, though. I was just hoping for a six-pack and pizza.”

“Well, the Kings always seem to go the extra mile for their brothers,” I smiled. “Same goes for the girls.”

Brick laughed.

“Well, let’s get you a drink.” Quinn slapped Brick on the shoulder. “Try to not sneak away too early tonight, you two. Lots to celebrate tonight.”

Quinn and Brick made Copyright 2016 - 2024