Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,49

you’re a member of the Book Club. Get your ass over here, so I don’t have to repeat myself later.”

I looked up at Point. “Uh, I gotta go. My friends need me.”

Point laughed. “Feels good to say that, huh?”

I nodded and reached up on my tiptoes. “It sure does. Now I know what you mean when you say the Kings are your family.” I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’ll tell you everything later.”

I darted off to catch up with the girls and hooked my arm through Queenie’s, then glanced back at Point and couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

Leaving that man three years ago was the best thing I ever did. If I hadn’t, I would have never found the family I had now.


Chapter Twenty-Two

They’re back…


“You’re fucking kidding me.” I slouched back in my chair. “I thought we were done with those fuckfaces.”

Quinn shook his head. “Seems to me they aren’t happy with the way things went down with the Royal Bastards, and now, they are back to fucking with us.”

“They were the ones who made all of the fucking conditions!” Sledge shouted.

The Devil’s Rebels were moving in on Whitmore. They were the ones looking to take over where the Clarks had left.

“These guys are like a fucking cancer that keeps coming back,” Zephyr grunted.

“But why did they kill Joseph?” I asked.

“Just like we assumed. The kid started working for the Rebels, but he stuck his nose into shit he shouldn’t have.” Quinn sat back and sighed. “Menace didn’t have a problem letting me know the kid needed to die, and if anyone else decides to get in their way, they’ll meet the same end.”

“Fuck,” Core whispered.

I was slightly relieved knowing Deedra wasn’t their target, but I also knew our plans of stomping out the trash in Whitmore was going to be a hell of a lot harder. “So, what do we do now?” I asked.

“Is Whitmore ours?” Quinn asked.

A chorus of yays and yes went up.

“Then, we take out the fucking trash and take it back.”


Chapter Twenty-Three

Prison or preschool?


“I’ve never met someone who was in prison.” Petra grabbed a bottle of soda and dumped it into the punch bowl.

I grabbed a balloon and stretched it. “I’m sure you have. You just probably didn’t know it. My old station manager was an ex-con.”

“Shut up,” Petra gasped. “How did you know?”

I laughed. “Because he told us.”

“How weird is it that only Quinn and Dyno have met Brick before, but we’re all gonna be standing here like strangers cheering that he’s out of jail?” Queenie asked. “He goes from a jail cell to a room full of us yahoos.”

“Sometimes I’d rather the jail cell,” Sledge called.

“I can make that happen for you, honey,” Queenie called. “Just say the word. If you’d rather sleep with Bubba than me, you can have at it.”

“If it would mean I’d get to sleep for longer than four hours, it might be worth it,” Sledge countered.

Queenie paused and tapped her chin. “You know, maybe we could be a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde. Do a couple of crimes and then sit in prison for a bit. I would kill to catch up on my sleep.”

Sledge held up his thumb. “Sounds like a good plan. We’ll start on Monday. We should be in prison by Friday.”

Kimber groaned and rubbed her stomach. “I shouldn’t have eaten that pepperoni. I’ve got such bad heartburn.”

Fancy laughed and handed her a glass of water. “Drink that, and I’ll see what I got for the heartburn.”

Kimber grabbed the glass. “You’re a doll.”

Fancy wagged her finger at her. “Doing it to see if I can get that baby named after me, and also, so you treat me the same when Dyno knocks me up.”

“What?” Dyno called. “What the hell did you say, woman?”

“Nothing,” Fancy sang out. She lowered her voice. “Dyno is absolutely terrified that I’m going to get pregnant now that Kimber is.”

“Uh,” Petra drawled. “He does know it’s not contagious, right? It doesn’t work that way.”

Fancy threw up her hands. “I tried to tell the man that, but he’s convinced we're all gonna wind up pregnant now.”

I cringed. “Uh, I do not want that, either. At least, not right now.” I just got Point back. I wanted to enjoy him for a bit before I had to share him.

“Shouldn’t Quinn be back by now?” Core asked.

Kimber pulled out her phone. “He’s twenty-five minutes away.”

“Are you tracking Quinn?” Fancy laughed.

Kimber shrugged. “He does the same to me. What’s good for Copyright 2016 - 2024