Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,87

nice one." He winked at me.

Everything he said made me feel a little queasy. Rob and I hadn't even exchanged phone numbers yet. Shit. I had sex with someone and didn't even know his phone number. I didn't know his middle name. I didn't even know his mailing address. Rob put his arm around my shoulders, almost making me jump. I hadn't heard him come out of the bathroom.

"Is Matt harassing you?" Rob asked.

"I was just getting to know him." And you. Rob had changed into a pair of swim trunks. Maybe I should say I need to change?

"I'll take that as a yes. Come on, let's go eat." Rob directed me away from his friend.

As soon as we were in the hallway, he moved his arm off my shoulders and grabbed my hand. He smiled down at me. I could definitely get used to this. Was he thinking the same thing? Or was he going to leave tonight and never speak to me again?

"Do you have a pen?" he whispered.

I shook my head. Normally I had everything I could possibly need on hand, but my purse was in my room.

"I'll give you my number later then. Ignore Matt, he's just upset that you wanted me."

"I think it was more so that you wanted me."

"Is that so? I'm pretty sure you came to my room and begged me for sex."

"Begged you? I didn't beg you."

He laughed and squeezed my hand. It was the most comforting feeling in the world.

Chapter 30


Leave it to Matt to try to fuck this up for me. He was jealous that Daphne chose me, but he didn't have to be a dick about it. I wasn't all talk. Not this time at least. I was going to visit Daphne in New York. I was going to give her my number. And I was going to text her all the damn time. Especially after what just happened. I wanted to repeat that right now. If Matt hadn't interrupted us, I'd be enjoying her pussy for lunch instead of whatever the hell they had ordered.

"I really wish we hadn't been interrupted," I whispered in her ear. "Coming at least twice is what living really is."

She pressed her lips together and shook her head, clearly embarrassed. It just reminded me of the fact that I hadn't gotten those lips around my cock yet.

"You really know how to make a guy feel like the third wheel," Matt said behind us.

"What, you want me to hold your hand too? Come here." I tried to reach for his hand.

"No, get off me, weirdo." Matt shoved my shoulder.

Daphne laughed. I loved the way the smile spread across her face when she did. I only had a few things that I looked for in a girl. One, she had to laugh at my jokes. Not all of them in a super fake way, but she had to genuinely think I was funny. She needed to blush when I embarrassed her, which I planned on doing all the time. And she needed to make me hard. Daphne had all those qualities.

I didn't necessarily have a type, but I was starting to think that Daphne was my type. I had just never found a girl that looked like her before. I let her walk in front of me onto the elevator. Her ass was perfectly fuckable. I wonder if she'll let me do that to her. She had already surprised me by wanting sex this weekend. She was clearly having a hard time resisting me. Yeah, she'll probably let me.

"I should go change too," Daphne said.

I didn't want her to change a thing. Strands of her hair were falling out of her ponytail and her shirt was hanging slightly off her shoulder. She had that helter-skelter look about her like she had just been fucked really well. Which she had. She looked perfect to me.

"Lunch is probably already there," Matt said.

"Shouldn't I put a bathing suit on?"

"You can always go skinny dipping," I said and pulled her against my chest.

"I certainly won't protest," Matt said.

She frowned. "I've never been skinny dipping and I never will. Unlike some people, I don't walk around naked in public." She was staring directly at me. Was she seriously referring to this morning?

I laughed. "If you're talking about this morning, I wasn't in public. I was at the waterfall that I told you about, which no one else ever goes to. I didn't think you'd just show up. And I certainly Copyright 2016 - 2024