Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,88

didn't peg you for a peeping Tom."


"And I wasn't walking around naked. You just happened to see me naked. And you couldn't seem to look away if I remember correctly." I smiled at the blush on her cheeks.

"Was he doing that thing again?" Matt asked.

I really wish Daphne and I were alone right now.

"What thing?" Daphne said.

"That thing where he refuses to shower inside."

Daphne laughed. "That was exactly what he was doing. Why do you know that? Does he do it a lot?"

"All the time. He's a psychopath." Matt smiled at Daphne who immediately laughed.

I didn't like that at all. I wanted to be the only one that made my girl laugh. My girl? Did I really just refer to Daphne as that?

"What, are you embarrassed?" Daphne said.

I shook my head. No, but maybe I am a psychopath. I had only known this girl for five minutes. But even as I thought it, I realized it wasn't true. She hadn't known me, but I had run past her every day for months. Sometimes it was the highlight of my day. Sometimes I'd dream about her at night. Fuck, I really am a psychopath.

"Really?" She stared up at me with her pretty green eyes. "You look so embarrassed right now, Rob."

The way she said my name made me smile. "I'm not embarrassed, beautiful. And I refuse to apologize for showering outside where humans are meant to shower."

"As opposed to an indoor shower where humans are actually meant to shower?"

"Yes, as opposed to a small manmade box. It's stifling."

"Wait, so do you like shower under rain gutters in the city?" She looked like she wanted to laugh at me.

"No. But when I'm in the middle of nowhere, I'm going to choose to shower under a waterfall 100 percent of the time."

"He hates being inside," Matt said. "He's basically a wild animal."

"Oh, she knows I'm a wild animal. Isn't that right, baby?" I winked at her and her face flushed again. Yup, this girl definitely fit all my criteria. "Speaking of which, do you still have any cards left, Matt?"

"A few. I had some duplicates." He pulled out the stack of cards I had given him yesterday. It had definitely dwindled.

I grabbed them out of his hand and lifted up the one I was looking for. "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am." I held the card up to Daphne's wrist and her bracelet fell off. "Two bracelets today, huh? You really are an attention whore."

She held her wrist in her hand, hiding the second bracelet. "Not by choice."

"Sure." I looked through the remaining cards. "This one will do. And this one." I stuffed the two cards in my pocket.

"I only have one more bracelet."

"I know. But you were a naughty girl last night and left me before I could cash in my last card. Which means you owe me a second card. You were even naughtier today when you propositioned me for sex." I had dropped my voice slightly, but it was still loud enough for Matt to hear.

Her green eyes looked slightly bigger. "You're giving Matt a terrible impression of me. I went to his room to apologize to him, Matt. That was it."

Matt smiled. "Sex is always the best apology."

"That's not what I meant. It's thing lead to another..."

"Oh, I get how sex works. I just don't get why you're choosing to have sex with someone who never learned how to assimilate with humans."

Daphne laughed.

"I don't think Daphne is really complaining about my showering habits. I think she'd take me naked wherever she could. Isn't that right?" Teasing her was too easy. And when she blushed like that, all I wanted to do was be inside her tight pussy again. This girl was fucking made for me.

"You're very full of yourself."

"You were full of me earlier."

"Oh my God," she mouthed silently to me and hit my arm playfully.

The elevator doors dinged open. Even though she was pretending to be shocked at what I had just said, she didn't seem to mind when I grabbed her hand. I liked the feeling of fingers being intertwined and I could tell she liked it too.

There was something nagging me in the back of my head though. Why had she suddenly decided to abandon her morals and jump into bed with me before she got to know me? Well, not a bed. More like pressed against a door. Fuck, I'm getting hard again. I tried to think of something serious to dissuade my boner from Copyright 2016 - 2024