Third Chances (Men Of Manhattan #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,86

wasn't leaning against the door, I probably would have sunk to the ground.

He pulled off the condom and tossed it in the trash. "You might want to put your shorts on, beautiful." He winked at me as he pulled his sweatpants back on. Rob tapped on the door twice and leaned against the wall as he watched me grab my shorts and thong off the floor.

The door immediately started to open. "Sorry, man, I didn't realize you were having sex. I'm excited to meet the girl that has got you to stop moping around the resort like a little bitch." Matt stepped through the door just as I finished buttoning my shorts.

I was a mess before I had even gotten here, and I'm sure my outfit and hair were even more askew now. I put my bottom lip out and blew my hair out of my face.

"And just for the record, the whole floor could hear you two finishing." Matt laughed when he saw me. "Oh, hey, Daphne. I didn't expect to see you."

I was so embarrassed.

Rob cleared his throat. "What's up, man? Besides for the fact that you've been trying to cock block me."

"I didn't know you were having sex until I heard her screaming your name," Matt said.

My face had to be bright red. Did they always talk so openly about their sex lives like this?

"As much as I'd love to keep talking about this, we just ordered lunch down by the pool. Do you want to join us, Daphne?"

I looked up at Rob. I wanted to know if he wanted me to come.

He smiled at me.

I was going to take that as a yes. I didn't want this to be a onetime thing. And I really hoped he didn't want it to be either. Besides, I still needed to apologize. I wanted him to understand why I said the things I did. "Um, yeah that would be great. My friends will still be gone for awhile so I'm free for lunch." I took a deep breath to try to regain my composure. "So was Rob really moping around all morning?"

"Yup. Ever since you denied him sex last night he's been wandering around like a lost puppy."

Rob shoved his shoulder. "How about we go eat and you stop talking? Just let me change real quick." He walked toward the bathroom, leaving me alone with Matt.

"So, how long have you and Rob known each other?" I asked.

"Since we were born. Our parents are friends so we were kind of forced together."

"Was that such a bad thing?" I didn't know how to stop fishing for information. I had just slept with Rob and I barely knew him at all. And Matt knew. He probably thought I was a total slut.

Matt smiled. "No. Rob's a good guy. And we always have so much fun together."

"Did you two used to get into all sorts of trouble growing up?"

"Why would you assume that?"

I laughed. "Oh, I don't know...maybe because you guys steal cards and slip people drugs when they're not looking?"

"I'd just say we know how to have a good time," he said with a smile.

"Do you travel a lot like Rob?"

Matt laughed. "Not much recently. Unlike Rob, I actually have a job."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I wanted to date someone who had direction and motivation. It was hard for me to not think of my list of qualities for guys I dated. I had made it for a reason. "What is it that you do?"

"I work at MAC International."

I had heard of it. Everyone had heard of it. MAC International was a prestigious financial firm in New York City. "What do you do there?"

Matt smiled. "I'm learning how to run it so my dad can retire."

Of course. I knew that the C in MAC International stood for Caldwell. I should have been able to put that together. The Caldwells and Hunters were basically New York royalty. Matt was probably wondering what the heck he was doing wasting his time talking to someone so far down on the social ladder. "Are you excited to run it?"

"Um...there's pros and cons."

"So maybe you're a little jealous that Rob doesn't have a job?"

Matt laughed. "No, but I'm a little jealous that he won you over. I'm assuming he told you he wanted to make things work and said he'd visit you a lot in New York? You've probably exchanged phone numbers and are excited for the future, no? He's all talk. I'm the Copyright 2016 - 2024