Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,87

often or join us when we go out, and you may see us hold hands, or he may even be here for breakfast some mornings. How do you feel about that, pumpkin?”

She watched her daughter’s face carefully, but there was only a childish excitement as she clapped her hands. “Can Gabe come with us to Great Adventure on spring break? Mama, you promised I can go on the roller coaster if I’m tall enough and maybe he can even win me a stuffed puppy!”

“I bet Gabe will definitely try,” she said with a smile. “Do you have any questions for me? Anything you want to know? If you ever feel funny about something, you come talk to me. I know Mommy hasn’t dated anyone before, so this is new for all of us.”

Zoe nodded, her blue eyes flickering with a jumble of thoughts. “We’ll always love Daddy, but since he’s in heaven, maybe he sent us Gabe to help take care of us?”

Bella stilled. In that moment, she realized her daughter had an old soul and was able to see things in a light that would be a gift to her in this lifetime. Somehow, even through tragedy, Zoe had flourished. Warmth flowed in her veins, and it was as if Matt was smiling down at them, proud of the daughter they’d made together.

She blinked away the tears and tugged Zoe into her arms for a big hug. “I think you’re absolutely right,” she said.



“Do you think we can get a puppy now? Gabe can help us take care of it!”

She burst into laughter and hugged Zoe tighter.

Gabe walked into the Acme supermarket. He headed to produce, swearing this time it would be a quick trip in and out. He refused to go to the aisle where his weaknesses flared—namely, junk cereals that held the most magical sugary crunch. And forget frozen foods. Each time he failed to walk past a pint of cookies ’n cream ice cream without buying it, the move cost him a minimum of fifty crunches. He needed some stupid fruit.

Shaking his head at his mental scoldings, he grabbed a few bananas, red apples, and a bag of almonds, which would give him some healthy options. His schedule was sometimes so crammed, a quick snack was crucial, and he’d been lax lately.

Of course, he’d been getting some extra exercise. It’d been so long since he’d had sex, his appetite was up, along with his libido.

The thought of Bella floated in his mind, and he had to stifle a grin. Now that her sisters and Zoe knew, he’d been able to relax. He’d been off base about Bella wanting to hide their relationship. Avery and Taylor had teased them about their secret liaisons at the last meeting but then quickly settled into work mode. He’d sensed no strange tension, and knowing they fully approved only added to his relief.

He headed toward the cashier, then spotted the bright blooms of various bouquets at the front. Hesitating, he pulled one out. The center flower was a bright-blue happy daisy and reminded him of Bella. The hell with it. He was already so far gone, why not just bring her some flowers for Taco Tuesday?

He grabbed them and spun around.

“Well, hi there, stranger.” Devon smiled up at him, her gaze curiously taking in the bouquet.

Guilt pricked. Dammit, he’d called her after Adele’s wedding and left her a message that they should talk, but she’d never reached back out. He’d been secretly relieved, hoping maybe she’d changed her mind about them and wanted an out. But he still felt he owed her an explanation, even though the date had been open ended with no promises. “Hi, Devon. How are you?”

“Good. Just picking up some dinner. Haven’t seen you in a while. How did the Dr. Seuss wedding go?”

“It was a big hit, and the flowers were one of the highlights. I’m really sorry I haven’t called again. I got busy, and distracted, and—”

“Fell for someone?” she asked teasingly. “I’m assuming that’s why we never got to the second date?”

He reached out and touched her arm. “Did you get my message?”

“Yeah, but it was full of serious meaning and a tad of guilt. I figured someone else had stepped in.”

He nodded. “Bella and I began dating.”

She blinked, obviously startled. “Bella? Wow, I didn’t see that coming. But I’m happy for you. Though I may wonder for a long time what I gave up.”

Her words stung a bit, and though he hoped she

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