Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,86

to sleeping with him and being in a relationship. It’s not my comfort zone.”

Avery’s face softened. “I know, sweetie. I’m so damn proud of you, though. You could have easily walked away from Gabe because it was messy and you had enough excuses.”

“I did at first,” she said with a sigh. “And I still worry about Zoe and how we’ll work together, and even if I’m ready to dive into all these feelings. Especially after Matt. So I told Gabe I wanted to move really slowly, and he’s been good with it.”

“Did you tell Zoe yet?” Taylor asked.

“No, but I will today.”

“I’m sure she’ll be happy,” Avery said. “She’s crazy about Gabe.”

“I just want to make sure she feels good about us. I’ve never had to discuss the ins and outs of dating before.”

“It’ll be good for both of you,” Avery said. “I’m glad you listened to Carter and realized Gabe wasn’t the player you believed. I can see how that would have held you back.”

She hesitated, tapping her finger against her lip. “Yeah, but there’s still gossip. Even Daisy was surprised I’d want to get involved with him due to his reputation. I don’t know, I have to admit it’s a bit weird. Another reason I’m going slow.”

Taylor gave her a sharp glance. “Do you, babe. I get judgments all the time. I happen to like sex, but it doesn’t mean I’m some type of man-eater. And if I want to settle down one day in the far, far future, that shouldn’t affect my relationship, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s this small-town thing, I guess. But I’ll work it out.”

“Of course you will. Just enjoy yourself. You’re having sex again!” Avery said.

“Stop,” Bella said with a hand out. “You’re making me feel like I’m sixteen. It’s embarrassing.”

“Tough. That’s what happens when you break a six-year dry spell,” Taylor said.

She grinned. “Well, I wanted to see if you guys wanted to invite the guys to Taco Tuesday dinner. We have no weddings, so I’m hoping everyone’s free. Can you check with Pierce, T? I’d like him to join us, too. You’re talking to him again, right?”

Taylor glared. “For now. I’ll tell him.”

“We’re in,” Avery said.


“Are you going to hold hands at the conference table now?” Avery asked.

This time, Bella battled her red cheeks and reached for the champagne bottle. “Seriously, you both suck.”

They laughed with so much glee, she eventually laughed, too.

After Bella picked up Zoe from school, they gathered in the kitchen for Toll House cookies and juice. She listened to her daughter’s nonstop chatter about her school day while she sorted through the endless bulletins stuffed in Zoe’s backpack, and fussed over the new drawing.

“I made unicorn land, Mama,” she said, pointing at the rolling green hills, rainbows, and colorful unicorns romping around. “It’s a place where they eat all the candy they want, and no one is ever mean.”

She tacked it on the refrigerator. “I love it, sweetie. I wish it really existed.”

Zoe munched on a cookie, looking somber. “Oh, but it does. I dream about it a lot. I just need to go find it, like an ’splorer.”

“Explorer. Can I go with you?”

“Of course. We do everything together.”

She dragged in a breath and sat on the stool next to her. A perfect transition she needed to jump on. “And we always will, as long as you want me. Nothing will ever change the love I have for you, no matter who else comes into our lives.”

“Uh-huh.” She finished her cookie. “Can I watch TV?”

“I’d like to talk to you about something first.” Her tummy clenched with nerves, but she kept her face and voice calm. “You like Gabe, right, honey?”


She froze. “What?”

Her daughter smiled with radiance. “I love Gabe! He let me paint his nails and watches movies with us and all sorts of good stuff.”

She laughed. “Oh, good. Because I want to tell you about Mommy and Gabe. We decided we really like each other, too. Even more than just friends. So when a man and a woman really like each other, they may decide to date. Do you know what that is?”

Zoe’s eyes widened. “Oh yes! That’s when you hold hands and go to fun places together, like you and Daddy did before you got married, right?”

Matt’s face drifted in her memory, bringing more joy than pain. “That’s right. So Gabe and I are going to be dating now. That doesn’t change anything with me and you, but it means Gabe may be here more

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