Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,88

wasn’t hurt, he sensed Devon really was pleased for him. She had an energy that was open and giving, and didn’t hold grudges. It was one of the things he’d fallen for initially. “Thanks, Devon.”

She surprised him by standing on her tiptoes and pressing a kiss fully on his mouth. “She’ll love the flowers. See you around.” Then she walked away.

He paid and headed for his car. Heading home, he showered, changed, then packed up the flowers and a bottle of wine for Bella. When his email pinged, he checked it quickly, then froze.

Latoya had emailed him the link to the article that was running in next month’s Bridal Style magazine.

He opened it, quickly scanned, then went back to the beginning. As he read, the discomfort grew until it was a low buzzing settling low in his gut. The title alone made him want to wince in sheer humiliation.

A Man for All Seasons: The Hottest Wedding Planner Is Making a Splash in Cape May and Beyond. Here’s Why.

It was accompanied by a full picture of him dressed in a black suit, his chin tucked in, gaze staring at the camera as if he were a male model posing rather than doing his damn job. It got worse as the reporter detailed some of his clients, then cited that awful Beach Bachelor thing that still wouldn’t die. Sunshine Bridal was listed, of course, and there were some beautiful pics of Adele’s wedding, showcasing the details that had made it unique. But it felt more like a showcase for him—the attractive single male who worked in a female-dominated business and had all the traits a future bride would find titillating. Something to brag about to her friends while they ogled him and whispered behind his back.

It didn’t feel like praise for his work. More like praise for the way he looked.


You’ll always rely on that pretty face and body to get you by, the voice sneered. You’ve never been a real man. Never will.

Gabe closed out of the article and shoved his phone in his pocket. He’d talk to everyone tonight and see what they thought. Sure, it was publicity, and it certainly wasn’t bad for Sunshine Bridal. He was just getting damn tired of being tossed around as the fun subject in town when he just wanted to concentrate on two things: Bella and work.

By the time he got to her house, the whole gang was already there.

“Gabe is here!” Zoe shouted, racing over and leaping into his arms, trusting he’d catch her. When he did, he held her tight, his heart exploding in his chest at the sheer love he had for this little girl. Staring into her big blue eyes, her tumble of golden flyaway hair around her face, he had the gift of seeing Bella when she was young. Even better were her sharp mind and wit, even at such a young age. He’d never had so much fun conversing with a six-year-old.

He caught Bella’s gaze over her daughter’s head. The barriers had been crushed between them. They connected on a physical plane, but it was the quiet talks afterward, holding her in his arms, that he cherished. The sharing of her daughter, and her family. The way her lips curved into a sweet smile when she caught sight of him.

Maybe he’d always known. Maybe he’d been destined to only love her. Because he did. He loved Bella Sunshine-Caldwell with everything he was.

He just had no idea if she felt the same.

“Aww, he brought flowers,” Pierce teased, clapping him on the shoulder. “Are those for me?”

Zoe giggled. “They’re for Mommy, silly! Gabe and Mommy are dating. Don’t you know that?”

Pierce pretended surprise. “I always thought your mama wanted to date Thor?”

More giggles. “No, she can’t. He’s only on television. And I like Gabe better.”

Gabe tossed her once in the air, then settled her back on the ground. “I’m so glad you’re in my corner, Zoe. These guys are brutal.”

Bella laughed and walked over, pressing a kiss to his lips. “These are beautiful,” she murmured, as he handed her the bouquet. “Thank you.”

“Reminded me of you. Couldn’t resist.”

“Umm, Bella, I need you here STAT,” Taylor called out. “There are four pans here. Some are done, some may burn, and it’s chaos.”

Pierce laughed. “Taylz, how were you the only Sunshine sister not to learn how to cook?”

“Screw you. I haven’t seen you channel any Bobby Flay, either. Your best friend is the pizza-delivery guy.”

“At least I help support the economy.

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