Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,38

our childhoods, and I was really surprised by some of his stories.”

Her sister arched a brow and shot her a searching look. “He rarely talks about his parents. I just know his dad was an asshole and made him feel unworthy. His mom didn’t seem to help much, either, so he had it tough.”

“I know how close you both are, so I wondered how much you knew.”

“He only told me the basics, so I’m glad he opened up to you.” Avery tilted her head, regarding her thoughtfully. “There’s a lot more under the surface if you take the time to really know him.”

Bella nodded and hurriedly changed the subject. Her sister wouldn’t stop probing if she got suspicious, and Bella wasn’t ready to tell anyone about these burgeoning feelings for Gabe. It was too . . . new. “Well, thanks again for the gifts—you better get going.”

She kissed Avery goodbye and shut the door, then stared back at the gorgeous flowers in full view across the room.

The flowers were a kind gesture from a coworker. Nothing more. Nothing less. She needed to stop analyzing things.

Dragging in a breath, she got back to work.

Gabe glanced at his watch and slowed to a crawl on Main Street. Ugh, Valentine’s Day brought everyone out, even a flock of tourists who wanted to spend a romantic weekend getaway at one of the popular bed-and-breakfasts. Red-and-white lights twinkled merrily on the streets, and cars were packed into the row of various restaurants offering specials. He’d stopped for a slice at Louie’s, where he’d been propositioned by the new girl working there, then had to politely reply to a dozen texts from women offering to give him a special V-Day present tonight.

No, thanks.

All he craved were his sweats, a beer, and a bingeworthy series on Prime. But he’d promised Pierce he’d stop by Taylor’s and get some equipment she had borrowed that he needed for his next gig. He was stuck in Atlantic City for a big wedding and couldn’t get there in time.

He hadn’t seen Bella today, but she’d texted him a polite thank-you for the flowers. His mind flashed to the conversation with Pierce and Carter. Gabe still hadn’t told Bella how he felt, but when they’d been alone together recently, it hadn’t felt like the right time to say anything. Their car trip had been a good opportunity to open up and let her see more of himself. Maybe moving forward, he’d just be open and sense the right time. Maybe he’d just know. After all, he’d never planned to share his difficulties with his father, but the conversation had flowed naturally and built another level of connection.

He eased to the curb and walked to Taylor’s door. She answered with her usual scowl, dressed in pajama shorts and a faded Imagine Dragons T-shirt. “You didn’t have to send me flowers,” she said grumpily. “I hate V Day.”

He laughed. “I know. But there’s no way I’m ignoring all the women I work with and appreciate. Did you like the color, at least?”

She motioned him in with a sigh. “Yeah, that was pretty cool. How’d you get Devon to do black roses?”

“Seems there’s a lot of morbidity around this holiday I didn’t know about. She almost sold out. You have that stuff for me?”

“Right here. Want a beer before you go?”

“Oh, I just picked up—”

The adjoining door burst open, and Zoe came tearing through. “Aunt TT! Wanna watch Charlie Brown Valentine’s with us?” she screamed.

Dressed in pink Fancy Nancy pajamas, with her blonde curls floating around her shoulders, she reminded him so much of a younger Bella, his heart surged.

She skidded to a stop on bare feet, blue eyes wide with recognition as she realized he was here. “Gabe! Yay—I love my flowers, Gabe, they’re my favorite color pink, and I put the vase in my room and told Meg that I got real live flowers for Valentine’s! What are you doing here?”

Taylor crossed her arms in front of her chest and gave her a look. “Zoe. I told you over and over you need to knock on my door and not burst in.”

“Oops, sorry. Please don’t tell Mama. She’ll be mad.”

“Well, I am mad, and I did hear, and you need to obey the rules, young lady,” Bella said behind her, lifting a brow. “Aunt TT may have visitors, and we don’t want to interrupt.”

“Damn straight,” Taylor muttered. “Naked ones.”

Gabe pressed his lips together to keep from laughing.

“But, Mama, look! It was only Gabe.

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