Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,37

week since their car ride from Manhattan, and each day they seemed to grow closer. Where there was once a fine-tuned tension and distance, now a lighthearted energy flowed between them. Gabe made her laugh. He brought a focused creativity and work ethic to every part of the planning process, and she began to realize she enjoyed working with him as a partner more than working solo. But it was the other changes that startled her.

She’d begun to stare at him when he wasn’t looking, her gaze stuck on the fine tightness of his ass or graceful stride. She looked forward to lunchtime, when they’d take a break and eat together, chatting about various subjects that highlighted his sharp intelligence. Knowing the truth about his past made her see him in a different light. He was a man who’d transformed his pain into a life of his choosing. The type of man she admired.

Along with many women in Cape May.

Bella suspected he had no lack of female companionship, but she was still surprised by the consistent invitations whenever they were out together. He was hit on by a customer in the deli line, a new cashier at Acme Market, and the sister of a client who’d come in to see Taylor. She watched as he conversed politely with each woman yet kept a distance that clearly showed his disinterest. He was able to let them down with so much charm, it looked like they didn’t even mind.

He’d turned rejection into an art form.

But why hadn’t he taken their numbers? Because she was around and it made him uncomfortable? She’d begun to wonder about the women he did date. He never spoke about them at work. Did he like keeping his love life a secret so he could have more freedom?

Yet he’d mentioned how he wanted a relationship. Someone to love. It was completely contradictory to everything she’d heard or believed about him.

Bella reached out, her fingers brushing a delicate petal. He’d sent pink teacup roses for Zoe with a funny card. Her chest tightened when she read it, knowing how excited her daughter would be when she returned home from school.

The bouquet he’d sent Bella was something she would have picked out personally. How had he known what flowers she loved? The Stargazer lilies were creamy white, with a burst of hot pink in the center, their pointed petals both interesting and elegant. They were surrounded by crimson roses, which only emphasized the shocking beauty of the lilies.

She couldn’t stop staring at them.

The knock at the door broke the odd spell. Avery walked in with a large bag and a big smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she greeted. “I’m on my way to Peter Shields for the Gonzalez wedding but wanted to drop this by. Chocolate for Zoe, chocolate for you, and the new bridal catalog from Vera. You’ll need a few hours—she’s outdone herself.”

She shook her head and hugged Avery. “You didn’t have to do that! I think I’ll hide Zoe’s chocolate for a while, though. She’s been waking up at three a.m. the past few nights and can’t go back to sleep. I’ve been existing on four-hour sleep the last two days.”

“Oh no! Bad dreams?”

“She says no and that she’s just excited to start her day.” Bella laughed. “The last thing I need to give her is additional sugar, though. But I’m glad I don’t have to wait to see the new wedding dresses. Next spring is already upon us.”

“Don’t even mention it. Oh, what gorgeous flowers—did Gabe send them to you?”

Startled, she stared at her sister. “Yeah. How’d you know?”

She waved a hand in the air. “Oh, he sent some to me, too, and probably Taylor. He’s a sweetie. Aww, even Zoe got a bouquet! I swear, that man’s a prince. Everything still going good with Adele’s wedding?”

The trickle of disappointment caught her off guard. Seemed her whole family had received flowers and not just her. Which was great. She was happy Gabe treated everyone with such care. She gave her sister a bright smile. “We’ve been making wonderful progress. I’m enjoying working with him.”

Avery clapped her hands together. “I knew you guys would make a good team! You seem to think alike, too. I think you have more in common than you originally believed.”

“Yeah.” She hesitated, thinking over their heart-to-heart chat in the car. “Um, Avery, do you know much about Gabe’s past, with his dad and stuff? After we met with Adele, we started talking about

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