Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,39

And I’m sorry, I keep forgetting.”

“Well, try harder or I’ll have to make you eat extra vegetables.”

Zoe gasped in horror and moved close to him as if he were her savior. “That sounds awful.”

“It is. So knock.”

Zoe tugged on his sleeve. “Did you come to visit us?”

He smiled down at her precious face and tugged playfully on a wayward curl. “No, sweetheart. I’m picking up something your aunt had for me, that’s all. But I’m glad you liked the flowers.”

“That was so nice of you,” Bella said, her voice husky. “It made Zoe’s day.”

He shrugged. “Good, because as the only princess in the family, she had to get flowers.”

Zoe’s giggle charmed and mesmerized him just like the boa constrictor from The Jungle Book. “Is Mama the queen?”

“Yes, I think she is.” His gaze lifted and crashed with Bella’s. She seemed startled by the impact, taking a step back.

“What’s Aunt TT, then?”

“Maleficent,” Bella quipped.

Taylor preened. “My fave. At least she’s not boring.”

“Gabe, can you please come upstairs and watch Snoopy with me? Please? Mama made popcorn, and you can have some with us! Is that okay, Mama?”

Bella cleared her throat and fiddled with her hands, a slight flush on her cheeks. “Well, um, yes, but I’m sure Gabe has things to do tonight.”

Yeah, he had pizza and sweats waiting for him at home, but the lure of spending some quiet time with Bella and Zoe was too tempting to pass up. “Actually, that sounds great. I love popcorn, and Snoopy, so it’s a win-win.”

Zoe gave a whoop and danced around. “It’s like a Friday night! I get to stay up late! Are you coming, Aunt TT?”

Taylor grinned and shook her head. “Sorry, I have to do some work in my studio. But have fun.”

“I will!” Zoe grabbed his hand tight and began dragging him toward the door that led to their half of the house. “Come on, Gabe. Mama has it all set up.”

He noticed that Bella had remained quiet, but now the flush of pink colored her whole face. Did his presence disturb her? And if so, was it for a good reason . . . or bad?

They settled onto the comfortable sectional with Zoe in the middle, holding the big bowl of popcorn. She’d made it like the movies—with plenty of salt and butter—and he munched out while chuckling at Snoopy’s antics as the Red Baron. Once again, Charlie Brown screwed up, Lucy teased him mercilessly, and Linus backed his best buddy up.

It was perfect.

A commercial came on, and he savored the scent of strawberry shampoo, the soft flannel of Bella’s pj’s, and the warmth of Zoe’s arm linked with his. Bella had her legs curled up underneath her, her laughing gaze on her daughter. Zoe chattered on about a snow-cone machine she really wanted for next Christmas, and the spark of fierce love in Bella’s soft blue eyes hit him smack in the solar plexus.

Emotion choked through him, raw and real. Right now, right here, he had everything he ever wanted.

Soon, Zoe yawned and climbed onto his lap to finish the cartoon. The Valentine special morphed into a few extra shorts he hadn’t seen since he was young. As the credits rolled, he gave a contented sigh. “That was great, wasn’t it, Zoe?”

He looked down when she didn’t answer. She was asleep.

Gabe smiled, smoothing a few wayward curls from her cheek. “Well, we lost one of the crew. Do you want to take her up and—”

He trailed off when he looked at Bella, who was curled up on the end of the sofa, cheek resting against a throw pillow, face relaxed in slumber. The sweetness of them being able to fall asleep near him caused satisfaction to hum through his blood, along with a trace of possessiveness.

“Guess Snoopy couldn’t compete with sleep.” He moved to shake Bella gently awake, then paused. He’d tucked Zoe in before. He’d get her settled in, then head out without disturbing them.

He scooped up the sleeping child and carried her upstairs. Her room was a pink paradise that perfectly matched Zoe’s personality—from the stuffed animals, dolls, and glittery lamp to the bright artwork decorating the walls. He placed her on the bed, covered her with the frilly pink quilt, and turned out the light, making sure to click on the unicorn night-light before closing the door.

He came downstairs and turned off the television. Bella was still asleep, her limbs crunched up as if still trying to make room for her daughter. A wave

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