Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,94


“Oh, it’s happening,” Grant warned. “You’ll learn to just not bother arguing with them when they set their minds on something. I’ll send Taylor down to help you get it started. Trust me, wolves can be like dogs with a bone at times. They aren’t going to lose focus on this.” He nodded towards Baine. “Bears are no better.”

I’d become great friends with the other Bravo mates: Shelby, Taylor, Olivia, and Emma. I’d also been drawn into the weekly ladies’ night group. I had more friends here than I knew what to do with. I had never really considered that I was missing much in life, but moving to San Marco had proven time and again, just how wrong I’d been.

“We have to run, Silas called a meeting in five,” Tarron said as he leaned down and kissed me to the whoops and catcalls of his brothers.

“How’s he doing?” I asked.

“Terrible,” Baine admitted. “Though whatever he’s got up his sleeve seems to have perked him up a bit, so we’ll see.”

They left and I got back to work. The rest of the day passed slowly and alone, but I finished up the project with twenty minutes to spare and Archie let me leave early.

I drove straight over to Nonna’s. Her house had become as much ours as hers. I felt bad for descending on her like we had, but she was insistent that she loved it. Sonnet especially had taken strongly to Nonna, so much so that she had asked to stay, even after the move to our new home. Sapphire had surprised me by choosing to stay as well. She insisted Nonna needed her more.

The big house we’d built for us all that sat overlooking the lake within walking distance of Grant and Taylor’s house on one side and the house Baine had built for his family on the other side, would now have me, Tarron, and Sage living there.

Secretly, I suspected Sage would have been just as content to stay at Nonna’s too, but I hadn’t given her a choice. Ultimately, she was my responsibility, not theirs.

“That just leaves more room for you to fill the house with love and my great-grandpups,” Nonna frequently reminded me.

Tarron came by after work and we all ate at Nonna’s. As usual, it was delicious.

Tarron and the girls headed over to the house while I stayed behind to help clean up from the meal.

“Do you have your dress for the ball this weekend?” she asked.

I knew she was referring to the Force Ball. Because everyone was coming into town for it. It kicked off a series of training events where all teams came back to Base 1. After the botched mission when they rescued Sonnet and another Team Leader overrode Silas’s command which led to the death of his true mate, this year was especially important and probably more tense than ever.

I hadn’t wanted to go to the ball, but I hadn’t told Nonna that. Tarron knew though and he wasn’t pressuring me to do it. Dressing up like that just wasn’t my cup of tea.

“Um, I’ll just borrow something from Sapphire. I’m sure she won’t mind. Though I might be too busy getting settled into the house to bother.” I chickened out telling her the truth. I hated the thought of disappointing her.

“Nonsense. Leave those dishes for later and come with me.”

She led me up into the attic. It was like a treasure trove from previous decades up there. At the far end was a large chest. She opened it up and pulled out a beautiful pale blue gown.

I gasped. “Nonna, it’s gorgeous. Why do you have this in your attic?”

“Just saving it for a rainy day. Try it on.”

I groaned. “Do I have to?”

“You don’t want to go to the ball?”

I shook my head and bit my lip. “Not really.”

“Well, too bad. My grandson has a right to show off his beautiful mate for one night!”

I rolled my eyes. “He said he was fine if I didn’t go. He’s only going to make a quick mandatory appearance. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“It is and you aren’t going to miss this night. Try it on.”

I did as she asked. The dress fit like it had been custom tailored just for me. I had never felt so beautiful in clothes before. I twirled around in front of the mirror.

“It’s perfect,” she said. “You know ever since that day you ran out of his hotel room leaving one shoe behind, Caleb Copyright 2016 - 2024