Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,93

day Sonnet grew stronger. Every now and then we even saw glimpses of our sister. They were priceless moments. She’ll have a long process of healing, but we were all cheering her along every step of the way.

I would forever be grateful to Tarron and his friends for saving my sister. Unfortunately, that hadn’t been the case for everyone. The first months had been hard. I hadn’t known Silas Granger before the incident. I actually didn’t meet him officially for another six weeks after their mission to rescue Sonnet when I started working an internship under the mole, Archie.

Tarron had found me my dream job and I jumped up out of bed every day excited to get to work. Archie wasn’t the easiest guy to work with, but we were finding our groove. I’d been there four months already and it had only confirmed that this was exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

Working for the Force also meant I was privy to more details when missions came up. Sometimes knowing only made me more anxious, but I preferred it to worrying about the unknown. On rare occasions I even got to work alongside Tarron and those were the best days of all.

I was sitting at a desk down in the data center processing some basic data entry, or busy work as Archie called it when Tarron walked by talking to Baine and Grant.

“Hey,” I said but he didn’t hear me, and they kept walking. “Caleb McCrea, I know you aren’t going to walk by without saying hi,” I yelled out. Only Nonna ever really got away with calling him by his full name, but I was learning it was quite affective when I needed his attention.

He froze and turned back to me. Irritation was all over his face, but it quickly morphed into happiness. He loved me, what else was there to say? I loved him, too. That man owned my entire heart. He was my life, and I was thriving with the life we’d created together.

“Hey babe. I didn’t know you were working down here today.” He walked over and kissed me.

“Caleb?” Baine asked.

“McCrea?” Grant added.

“What the hell? Your name’s Caleb?” Baine teased.

“He doesn’t look like a Caleb, Baine.”

“No he doesn’t, Grant. Clearly he has some sort of sick alter-ego he plays out with his mate.”

I giggled. “Oops, sorry about that.”

Tarron sighed. “They were bound to find out eventually.”

“Wait, you’re serious? Your name isn’t Tarron?”

“My last name is Tarron.”

Baine laughed. “Here everyone thought my last name was Baine.” He looked at me seriously. “It’s not, my last name is Landry, but everyone here assumed it was Baine and I didn’t use my first name.”

“Yet here little Caleb has been holding out on us making us think he didn’t have a last name,” Grant continued for him.

Tarron groaned. “So what? My name’s Caleb. I’ve never really used it.”

“How’d she know that and not us?” Baine asked, feigning hurt.

“She’s his mate, of course she’d know,” Grant said, shaking his head like he was an idiot for asking.

“Actually, I’m not sure he would have told me, but if you spend enough time with Nonna, she likes to use his whole name for added effect.”

“Oh yeah, that woman scares me. It’s better now thanks to Olivia, but even though we already have a pup, she’s constantly hounding me on when the next one is coming. You’ve met my daughter. Why would I want to mess with perfection?”

I laughed. I knew very well that Olivia had major baby fever and Baine was coming up with any excuse possible to bail on that conversation. Tarron explained to me that he’s terrified of babies and feels like he got off easy with Macie and skipping out on the infant and toddler days.

I knew he loved his mate too much to deny her another child and it was only a matter of time.

Nonna was constantly asking why I wasn’t pregnant yet, but we were careful and taking precautions to ensure that didn’t happen—not that I would ever admit that to Nonna.

Right now, I had my hands full with my sisters, my job, my mate, his job, and the new house we had built and would be closing on later today.

“Olivia wanted me to ask you if you have a registry started for your housewarming party yet?” Baine asked.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “No. I have no idea what that would even look like. I keep telling her not to go to all that Copyright 2016 - 2024