Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,10

“Well, of course not. But, we didn’t know. So, no harm done.” She smiled up at me, her green eyes warm and large. “And plus, I have a boyfriend anyway. It would be wrong even if you weren’t my teacher.”

A ping of something lit fire in my stomach. I am not jealous of him. Yes, the fuck I am. I couldn’t stand the thought of him touching her, kissing her or making love to her. I bit my tongue hard. “Of course. I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

“Should we head back now?” she asked. “Since it’s not appropriate.” Her tone was bitter, and I tried not to smile. Did she want to be out here with me?

“Well, there is no need to rush, hold on a second.” I ran back over toward my truck, grabbed the blanket and two Cokes. “Here we go,” I said, laying the blanket out. “Thirsty?”

She stared blankly down at the blanket and then back up at me. I could see the conflicting emotion on her face and I felt guilty. I shouldn’t push her. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. Don’t think I’m trying to do anything else inappropriate.”

She stared at me for a few long uncomfortable minutes. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

I let out a small chuckle. “Scout’s honor,” I said, lying down on the blanket.

She laid beside me, her body so close to mine. We laid there and watched the sky for a while before either of us spoke. “Did you feel that?” she asked.

I felt something alright, but I was sure it wasn’t the same thing she was talking about. “What?”

“Rain. I smelled it last night, I knew it was coming”

Damn it. I didn’t want to take her home just yet. I knew we weren’t doing anything but lying there but it felt so good. “Let’s just sit out here for a little longer, then I’ll take you home.”

She turned on her side, quickly and held her head up with her hand. “I wasn’t saying I wanted to go home. I was just warning you. It’s supposed to storm, we could watch the lightening, if you wanted to.”

Her cheeks turned pink. A piece of blonde hair fell from her ear and I pushed it back. “That’s fine. I’d love to see it,” I said.

Her cheeks turned redder, and she smirked, lying back down. “Tell me about you,” she finally said. “Have you always wanted to teach?”

I lay as still as I could, not wanting her to see how I really felt. “Yes. I wanted to teach my entire life. My dad wasn’t for it, he said I should go into the military, and make a man out of myself.” I laughed. “But, I didn’t follow him. I had to do what I wanted and loved. I had to teach.”

Sarah was still staring at me, eyes wide. I tried to ignore that her breast were hanging over her shirt. I could see the roundness of them. I wanted to reach out and touch her. “I think you did the right thing. What you want to do.”

“I just wish my dad thought that way. But, enough about me, what about you? How long have you been with Matt?” I cursed myself for saying it as soon as I said it.

She frowned and turned to look back up at the sky. “A year,” she said. I wanted to pry but I didn’t want to force her. “Are you seeing anyone?” she whispered.

My heart pounded an extra beat. “No.”

I swear I saw the corner of her lip crawl up. “There it comes,” she said, slowly. “The rain.”

As if on cue, the rain started pouring down. We jumped up, laughing, and ran toward my truck. I could hear her breathing hard, and glanced over at her. Her hair was wet, her shirt stuck to her breast. Fuck, she looks so beautiful.

“You’re all wet,” she whispered, her eyes raking over my chest. My dick moved and I prayed she didn’t see it.

“It’ll dry,” I said without looking away from her. Her lips parted and lightning struck across from us. She pointed. “It’s beautiful,” I mumbled, as another hit almost in the same spot.

She started to breathe faster, her chest rising and falling. Her eyes met mine but she didn’t look away. Her eyes darted toward my lips, her own parted and she squirmed in her seat. Does she want to kiss me, too? Would it be too old fashioned to ask?

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