Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,9


“Will you?”

“Yes, tomorrow. I love you.”

“Okay, love you too. You better call,” she said before hanging up.

Jesus Christ, you’d think I was twelve not twenty six. Packing up my papers, I grabbed my briefcase and headed toward my Hummer.

When I got home, I stripped and climbed into the shower. I couldn’t help but think about Sarah sitting in the passenger seat with me. The swell of her breasts, her full lips, and flat stomach. I wondered what she’d look like naked.

“No, Liam,” I mumbled to myself. My dick disagreed, showing me just how much she pushed my buttons. I grabbed myself and began to push up and down my shaft. “What are you doing, Liam?” I leaned my head against the shower wall and finished myself off.

This is ridiculous. After humiliating myself, in front of myself, which is hard to do, I dried off. I pulled on a tight white shirt and some jeans. I remembered my last girlfriend had liked it, so maybe Sarah would. No, it doesn’t matter if she likes it. I put on my boots and filled Layla’s water and food bowl.

At six fifty five I walked over to her door and knocked.

It swung opened and Cody was standing in the doorway. His mouth was half-full of some chips and his eyes were wide. He swallowed loudly and smiled. “How may I help you?” he asked.

“Cody, it’s for me,” I heard her from behind Cody. He turned around and looked back at her. My dick tightened and I pushed back the urges I had to do bad things right then and there. She was wearing the tightest white tank top, some blue jeans shorts and flip-flops. Her cheeks turned pink and she pushed her hands deep into the depth of her pockets.

“This is the friend you’re showing around, Sarah?” Cody asked, eyebrow rose.

She narrowed her eyes and jabbed her finger over her shoulder. “Would you please make sure Zeus’ water bowl is filled up for me?”

Cody stuck his tongue out and ran off toward his room. “Sorry about him, you’ll get used to him.”

I smiled down at her, and bit my lip. “Well, are you ready to go?” I asked, gesturing for her to lead the way.

She nodded slightly and walked out of the door. I followed her downstairs, watching as her hips switched. Come on, you’re not a fifteen year old boy. “So,” I said. “Where is Matt at tonight? He didn’t mind?”

Sarah didn’t look up as I opened her door for her. “Her doesn’t know,” she whispered before I shut it.

Holy fuck. I winked at her. “Well, some things we can keep to ourselves then.” I walked around and started down the road.

We rode in silence for a long while before she pointed toward a road to our left. When we pulled up I saw a sign that said ‘Lake Monticello.’

“No, don’t pull in that way, go around this way,” she pointed out. I followed her instructions, and we pulled along a dirt road, and into a clearing. No one was out here, and I could tell it was a secluded spot.

“Well, this is nice. I’m sure this would be a great place to run,” I said. That was my main reason for wanting to know where the lake was, to run. But, now that I’m here with her I don’t want to leave.

“A lot of people run out here, it’s so peaceful. Sometimes I come out here during lightning storms and watch the lighting hit over there,” she said, pointing across the lake.

She chuckled. “Don’t think I’m strange, it’s really pretty.”

I laughed and opened my door. “Come on, let’s get some air.” I walked toward the edge of the water and watched the geese swim across. “This isn’t appropriate,” I finally said. I didn’t want to say it, but it needed to be said. I needed to let her know I couldn’t have her the way I wanted. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me or not, but fuck did I want her.

She twisted her blonde hair around her finger and kicked at the mud. “Then why did you ask me, Mr. Downs.”

Mr. Downs. I wanted to shake her until she stopped calling me that. “Well, that part I’m not quite sure of. I just needed to tell you that I didn’t know you were my student when I helped you with your cut. It’s not a big deal, but I’m sure teachers aren’t supposed to have their students in their apartments.”

She nodded.

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