Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,11

She glanced back up at me, nodded once and I knew that was exactly what she wanted.

So, I gave her what she wanted.


Oh. My. God. He kissed me. I was basically begging him for it. He reached across the console of his truck and he found my lips with his. They were full, soft and gentle at first. This is wrong. I knew it was but I couldn’t not take the chance. Just once, and I would never do it again. His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I parted my own, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. I moaned. Damn it. I couldn’t help it. He seemed to fuck my mouth with his. I’d never felt so vulnerable with a kiss before.

He returned with a growl, grabbing the nape of my neck and dragging my closer to him. I was half way over the console, my arms gripping at his t-shirt. Am I really making out with my teacher? He is sexy, but it’s still wrong. I have a boyfriend.

Before I could make myself come to my senses Liam gripped my ass, and pulled me over to straddle him. Holy fuck. I could feel his erection between my legs, as he pushed me down on it. Oh, God. “Sarah,” he mumbled into my ear, sliding his tongue against my neck. “This is wrong,” he said, wrapping a tattooed arm around my waist.

“I know,” I said back, grinding down on him. “We need to stop,” I said.

Liam pushed me back from him. His gray eyes were wide with excitement, his mouth parted and his breathing heavy. “I’m so sorry.”

I shook my head, all the guilt slamming into me at once. “It takes two,” I mumbled. “I’m sorry I told you to. You’re my teacher, I have a boyfriend.” I crawled over the console and sat in the seat, my head leaning back.

Guilt was one of the worse things to feel…ever. It ate at me on the way home, my entire body overcome with it. It was almost like a virus that spread and took over me. I’d kissed another guy. A man. A sexy man.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my pointer finger. “This can be like it never happened,” Liam said. “I shouldn’t have done that to you. You are taken and my student. It can’t happen again.”

I nodded in agreement, even though hearing it made my stomach hurt. “Of course, it was a onetime slip up. It won’t happen again,” I said, matter of fact.

Liam was staring at me in the parking lot. He licked his lips and patted my hand. “To a new beginning.”

I winced. “New beginning,” I whispered. “I guess I’ll see ya in class tomorrow,” I said. I walked up the steps, not looking back and closed the door behind me.

“Tell me what the fuck happened now,” Cody said from the futon.

Ah, shit.

After I explained everything that happened, I realized I was a much worse person that I thought I was.

“Did he kiss good? He has those big lips.” Cody pretended to moan and fan himself. I frowned and held my face in my hands.

“Ah, come on now, Sarah. Matt is an asshole anyway .Why don’t you just storm over there and take Mr. Teacher Man right now. I’ll cover for you if Matt comes home early.”

I shook my head. “It never happened. We defined our relationship and now we’re moving on.”

Cody rolled his eyes. “Come on, Sarah. You have to see the man every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You know that it’s gonna be hard as hell not to pounce on him after class.”

I sighed. “I’m going to bed, Cody. I can’t think about this anymore than I have to,” I said.

“Ah, don’t get cha self down in the dumps about it. Mr. Hottie is a very big upgrade from Matt anyway.”

“Good night, Cody,” I said before shutting my door. What in the hell did I do? I climbed into the shower and turned on the hot water. I let it run down my skin, washing away where Liam had touched me. His hands so large on my waist and ass. His lips and tongue caressing my own. My thighs began to feel heavy, and I leaned against the shower wall. Why had he felt so much different from Matt? Why had he turned me on so quickly?

In between my thighs began to heat, as I run my hand down my stomach to my most sensitive spot. Fuck, I

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