Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,190

thought of his flesh carrying the musk of another woman’s body. I am a servant. I serve. That is my pleasure, my only desire . . .

Hearing him leave the gazebo, the boards vibrating as he descended the steps, made things hurt inside of her. Fortunately, his departure gave her an excuse for her own. “Master, do you need me further, or should I attend to the cottage?”

“You’re excused, Alanna.” The gentle understanding made it more unbearable, but she bowed to the vampire females and left the gazebo before her reaction could choke her. How far she’d fallen, that her emotions could command her in such an irrational way. Evan, being a vampire, would thankfully leave her alone to manage the reality of being a servant.

Because who understood that reality better than her?


SHE threw herself into unpacking. After that, she set out some photographs Evan carried as trip mementoes. Cutting a handful of black-eyed Susans from the front stoop, she arranged them in water glasses. The refrigerator was well-stocked with stews, casseroles, meats and vegetables that only needed heating. Two apple pies had appeared on the counter, so she ate a slice that fairly melted in her mouth. She tried not to resent it. Caring for Niall and Evan was her job.

She imagined the Scot in a cottage bedroom with Mel, her arms and legs twined around him, Niall plowing into her willing, slick folds, her throat arched to him, ample breasts pressed into his chest . . .

Stop it. Despite Evan’s proscription on penance, she knew her duty. She had to get her emotions under control. At the gazebo, the desire to create had been humming off his skin. He’d be lost in his painting, so she could handle it without disrupting him.

Fortunately, the well-stocked kitchen had uncooked rice. She scattered a thick covering over a bath towel and knelt facing the wall. As the sharp pieces bit into her knees, she began the meditation, letting the building discomfort pull her into that mindless zone.

She kept at it until her knees felt as if they were on knife blades, then she rose, stifling the short cry with vicious purpose. She didn’t feel better about Niall’s whereabouts, but she was less wound up about it. Evan’s second mark helped the cuts heal over quickly. Rechecking the vampire’s cellar room, she confirmed it was ready for him. She’d added a quilt and a glass of flowers, placing out a couple of books he was reading, along with a bottle of wine. She added a covered sampling of the cookies and apple pie.

She would go to bed. Alone. Putting on the shirt Niall had discarded earlier, she considered the bed he would share with her, if ever he deigned return to it. Turning away from it, she went back down to the cellar.

Merely a week ago, she’d never have dreamed of insinuating herself in her Master’s room without his direct invitation, but tonight she would risk his punishment. Niall felt too far away, though she wrapped the excess of the shirt closer around her body, inhaling his scent, taking that into her fitful sleep.

Sometime close to dawn, she was aware of Evan joining her. She was so exhausted she didn’t come out of sleep quickly enough to verify if he wanted her there. However, he put her at ease, sliding into the bed behind her, caressing her hip. When his lips touched her throat, she lifted her chin, offering. A dream-laden sigh left her as he bit into her flesh, tugged the quilt away and turned her onto her back. She wore nothing under the T-shirt so her legs spread for him, surrendering to his demand. As he pushed his cock inside her, stroked, he took her into a drifting, liquid, swirling climax where she moaned into his shoulder, held on to him through their mutual release. Then she was curved back into his body, his quiet reproof in her drifting mind.

You will not harm yourself again, Alanna. Chaos is the precursor to creation. Let your emotions spin as they wish. I will have Niall punish you for your disobedience.

She’d welcome any attention the Scot would offer her, even punitive. But at the same time, she wanted him to choke on apple pie. She fell back asleep with Evan’s tender amusement in her mind.

When she woke, she was in the upper bedroom. Niall had returned to change clothes, for what he’d worn yesterday was draped over the corner hamper. Light streaming through

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