Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,191

the window offered her a brilliant sunrise as she dressed. Evan had left her a note on the dresser, telling her to report to the commune coordinator to help with the tasks that kept the little community self-sufficient.

She arrived there with a group of people, apparently used to a similar routine. When introductions were made, she wasn’t surprised to find some of the residents wary. Given their circumstances, she knew trust would have to be earned, but this morning that was fine. The staff embraced her eagerness to work, not talk.

A vegetable garden and orchard needed weeding and pruning. After breakfast, there was dish duty in the communal eating area. Once they found out about her cooking skills, she was invited to help the lunch crew. Later she went to the infirmary, where she helped as orderly and nurse assistant. A few residents had arrived with broken limbs, one with a wired jaw. The infirmary monitored them, kept them under observation and gave them medications as needed. They also provided walk-in assistance for minor injuries. Alanna watched a nurse talk to a new resident about proper nutrition for her children, something the haggard, poorly educated woman had never had the chance to learn.

As she proved herself a willing and capable asset throughout the day, many residents became friendlier toward her. The few male staff were courteous and not flirtatious, keeping that pressure away from the residents, many of those having experienced only the ugliest side of sexual interest. Alanna found it especially heartbreaking to watch the children. Though instinctively desiring the balance male energy could provide, they watched the men with uncertain eyes. The male staff treated them with calm affection, helping them take those first steps toward trust again.

The environment was designed to be safe, nurturing. It was the self-contained comfort of a mother’s womb, occasionally punctuated by the expected squabbles, reminding her of the women’s hall of the InhServ training institute. The conflicts here were resolved with mostly good humor, everyone sensitive to the more nervous temperaments of newer arrivals, women who kept their children close, still unsure of their welcome.

She thought of Stephen invading this environment, bringing all the terror and darkness a vampire could command. Reminding herself she had to trust her Master’s judgment, she recalled Nerida’s words. Our gates aren’t for us to hide behind. They’re to better defend and protect what’s here. From the dangerous flash in the female vampire’s eyes, she’d enforced the words when necessary.

It was midafternoon when she saw Niall. He was repairing one of the cottage roofs with another man, a stocky redhead whose upper body was covered in freckles and muscles. The two of them had already stripped the shingles and were putting down tar paper.

Putting aside the festering issues she had from his night with Mel, she enjoyed the casual grace and virile strength Niall exuded doing the demanding physical task. He wore a faded pair of jeans and rubber-soled work shoes, his T-shirt hanging on a bush. When he saw her below, he sent her a warm smile that lit up her heart, foolish creature that she was.

“There she is. Muirnín, could ye bring me and Frank some o’ that fresh-squeezed lemonade over at the canteen? Get yourself a glass as well. ’Tis the best thing you’ll ever taste.”

She nodded, went to do his bidding. Mel was there, having a late lunch with some others. The Native American woman noticed her arrival, however. She gave Alanna a short nod that, while not unfriendly, was a clear assessment. Alanna was likely the top security risk in the compound right now. She was determined not to cause Mel a problem, though. She didn’t want the compound’s resources channeled toward her protection, when they had far more important priorities.

Was the woman carrying Niall’s scent between her legs this morning? Did she have a faint abrasion on her smooth, high cheekbone, left by the friction of Niall’s jaw as he thrust into her body?

So what if she did? That was Niall’s right. If Stephen had come to her, his cock dripping from another woman’s orgasm, and bade her suck him clean, her job was to respond with enthusiasm, making it as stimulating for him as he desired and more.

She’d damn well exceeded expectations in that department.

“All right this morning?”

Mel was at her shoulder, but when the woman reached out to touch her, Alanna shifted out of range. She covered it with a courteous nod. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you. Is there anything

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