Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,189

studio. Your work inspires their own creations. ‘Nature never hurries. Atom by atom, little by little, she achieves her work.’”

“Emerson is one of my personal favorites,” Evan approved. “As always, coming here is like coming home. ‘Discovering this idyllic place, we find ourselves filled with a yearning to linger here, where time stands still and beauty overwhelms.’ Anonymous, but a good friend to Emerson. As you are a good friend to me, and not just because you stroke my vanity by displaying my work.”

“Actually,” Niall drawled, “there were a couple ugly paint-stripped spots in here. They thought ‘well, now, that’s what we can do with Evan’s eyesores.’”

Though he ducked Evan’s head slap with the smoothness of long practice, Alanna tag-teamed with her Master, jabbing him in the ribs. The Scot gave her a heated look. “Hit me once more tonight, lass, and I’ll hit back, on the spot o’ my choosing.”

When Miah and Nerida turned their attention to her, Alanna knelt. “Mistresses, thank you for your hospitality to my Master. In accordance with his will, I am at your service.”

Miah snorted. “What did this poor child do to deserve you two? She’s obviously way above your station, Evan.”

Evan laughed. “She had an overdose of courage and integrity. We were her punishment.”

Alanna was appalled by Miah’s comment, but Evan’s good humor eased her mind. However, when he began to summarize her situation, the vampire females sobered and her tension returned. A quick glance at their faces told her nothing. When Evan finished, there was a harrowing moment of silence in the gazebo. Alanna twisted her fingers together in her lap.

“It’s not too far off the path of what we already do here,” Miah said at last. “Protect a female from the violent advances of male relatives or spouse. Sometimes, shamefully, even the female relatives try to extricate them. We’ve been fortunate, though. The only time we’ve lost one was when the resident is so damaged, she goes back to the situation on her own. I assume Alanna has no intentions of assisting Stephen in locating her?”

She didn’t look at Alanna, making it clear this was a vampire conversation. It didn’t stop Niall from interjecting, however.

“Only if she gets the misguided idea it will protect us,” he snorted. “In which case, I’ll strangle her before Stephen can do it.”

Alanna bit her lip, but said nothing. The unavoidable truth was that there was no command that would force her to endanger anyone further to protect her own life.

Evan shot her a sharp look. “Then I expect we’ll need to ensure that scenario doesn’t occur.” Though it appeared he was responding to Niall, she knew differently, especially when Niall sent her a censorious look, indicating Evan had shared her thought.

“Well, our gates aren’t for us to hide behind,” Nerida said. “They’re to better defend and protect what’s here.”

When the female vampire glanced at her, Alanna bowed her head anew. It was difficult not to stare when a mature woman’s speech came from the bow-shaped mouth of a six-year-old child. Miah at least had some of the angular features of an adolescent about to step across the threshold to womanhood.

“We’ll advise Mel and increase our own security measures,” Nerida continued. “It sounds like we have reinforcements on standby.”

“Yes. The Council vampire will be patrolling the perimeter. It’s our hope he’ll apprehend Stephen before the situation crosses our path.”

“Regardless, consider yourself welcome, Evan. You and those you protect.” Miah gave him a nod. “Niall of course is always welcome. A to-do list is already waiting for him.”

“For the usual compensation I suppose?” When Niall arched a brow, the two female vampires grinned, showing fangs this time.

“They started cooking a week ago. You’ll be so fat Evan will leave you behind. Then you’ll never be out of our clutches.”

“Promises, promises, ladies.”

Miah rubbed against him like an affectionate cat. “Mel just went off shift. She has that list ready if you want to get an early look at it.” Affecting a passable Scottish accent, she added, “Though we willnae be needing ye ’til the morrow.”

The Scot got a nod of assent from Evan. When Niall looked toward Alanna, she made sure she was looking at the floor. I serve them. They do not serve me.

Niall touched her hair. Alanna put all her effort into brushing her lips across his palm with the proper devotion and full submission. “I’ll take care of the things at the cabin,” she managed. “And be there if you need anything.”

She pushed away the

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