Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,71

he has to say will kill anything I have going on down here rather quickly.”

He sits himself on the bed and props a cushion on his lap. I let out a little giggle, straightening myself up before answering the door.

Marcos is there, clearing his throat. “Sorry to disturb you. I just need to have a word with Jake for a minute. I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that I think we’re almost done and will be out of your hair before you know it.” A very red and all of a sudden shy agent Marcos is standing, not sure where to put himself. He obviously feels very uncomfortable, and by the looks of things, wants to be away from here as soon as he can.

Jake smiles towards him. “I’ll be out in just a second. I need to use the bathroom first.”

Agent Marcos nods, and I shut the door. “Oh, dear, how embarrassing was that?”

Jake throws the cushion on the bed. “Not only that, but it is not the sort of thing we should be doing in a house full of unwanted guests. As per usual, I don’t know what came over me.”

He gets up and takes himself to the bathroom, shaking his head as he walks. I sigh as I sprawl myself on his monstrous bed and wait for Jake to emerge. After a couple of minutes have passed, Jake reappears and takes in the sight of me before him.

“I have to get out of here right now,” he grumbles.

With that, he leaves rather abruptly, making me giggle as he shuts the door. I don’t know why I’m finding things so funny in a situation that’s far from amusing.

Laying on my back, I close my eyes, trying to relax. The thrum of the air conditioning is whistling in the background, and for some reason it’s a welcome noise. After a few minutes of listening to it, I start feeling tired. I concentrate solely on that sound and nothing else. It isn’t long before my eyes start closing, until no sound can be heard at all.


It’s so dark, but my other senses are heightened. I can smell the stench of whiskey fill my airways. It’s making my nose burn, and my stomach churns with nausea. I can’t see around me, but I can smell it all the same. I feel like I’m going to be sick.

And then I feel it. A pressure of a body on top of me—stopping me from moving. As I try to force out a scream, a hand clasps over my mouth. “You will get what’s coming to you, bitch. I’m going to rip your pussy apart, and you will love every minute of it. You’ve always been a little, fucking prick tease. I’m finally going to show you just how much you are. You belong to me. I own you. Do you hear me, Ana? I fucking own you.”

I feel the blood completely drain away from my face. I recognize that voice. I feel the pressure of his body pressed against mine, but for some reason, I can’t open my eyes. Why can’t I see?

Knowing that I will not allow this happen to me again, I try to wriggle and scream, but I can’t seem to move or get any sound out. I hear him laugh, and the fear is crippling me. Why is he here? And what does he want from me?

His hands are everywhere, and the weight of him is unbearable. I feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispers, “Soon you will be mine.”

I scream, kick, and punch out with of all my might. It’s him! That son of a bitch is here!

Suddenly, I feel a set of arms wrap around me and a soothing voice. “Ana, it’s okay. Ana, please, it’s Jake. You’re okay, you’re safe with me. Jesus, Ana. Please calm down.”

Gasping for breath, my eyes suddenly open wide to a darkened room. Sweat is pouring off me, and tears stream down my face.

And then it dawns on me. The nightmares are back. It has been a couple of years since I dreamed about Alan, and now he’s back again, taking control of my life.

I’m shaking from head to toe. How much did Jake hear, if anything? His arms are wrapped around me tightly as he rocks me back and forth, trying his hardest to comfort me.

“Please put the light on.”

He leaves me for a moment, and my body feels the emptiness. He switches the light on

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