Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,70

a dog after finding out that a sadistic killer seems to have an obsession with me. I smile, thinking of that odd expression. Do dogs feel sick all the time?

Once inside, Jake makes sure I’m sitting on the bed, shutting out any prying eyes. “You must eat, Ana.”

There it is again, just like clockwork. “Please, I can’t eat right now. This shock needs to sink in a bit first before I can eat. The whole thing is making me feel sick. I can’t even look at food right now, let alone contemplate placing it anywhere near my mouth. Please just leave it there for a moment. I promise I will eat it later, just not now, okay?”

He smiles knowingly. “Am I being overbearing? Sorry. I’m not sure how to cope with this. Instead, I just deal with it the best way I know how and that is to try and control everything around me. It’s all I know.”

He places the sandwiches by the bedside and moves closer to me. Despite the gravity of the situation, I’m immediately pulled in by Jake’s magnetism—and for now, it’s all I can think about. As he faces me, his hand comes up to touch my face. With one finger, he gently trails down from the top of my head, down past my cheek, and under my chin. I shiver at his touch, making Jake laugh. “Are you cold, or does my touch affect you that much?” He cups my face, and I lean my head into his touch. With one hand, I gently trail my fingers down from the top of his arm, right down to his hand. He seems to have the same shivering effect that I do.

“Maybe we are both feeling cold in here?” I let out a giggle, and a contented sigh escapes me.

“I think we both know the answer to that question, don’t we?”

Pulling me towards him, he gently kisses the top of my head. This is the most tender moment I have ever experienced. In the ugliness we are embroiled in, this is the beauty that could not be denied or tainted. No one, not even the monster out there, can take this away from us.

Moving my hands up to cup his face, I look deep into those eyes. My heart’s pounding, and my eyes water from the enormity of this day. A single tear falls, and Jake takes his thumb, gently wiping it away from my face.

In that moment, there is just him and I as I race to find his lips. His warm, enticing, sweet lips that I have laid claim to. At first we’re gentle, but soon our breathing picks up, and the kissing becomes more frantic. Our tongues are everywhere, lapping up as much as we can of each other. Our hands grab at every part of each other’s bodies as if we can’t seem to get close enough.

It can never be enough.

My body and soul are his.

Wanting this not to end, I climb on top of him and wrap my legs around his waist. I find a fistful of hair that I lace between my fingers as I tug him deeper into our kiss. The tiger in me wants to be let out. With his hair in my hands, I pull him closer towards me, and flex my hips into his hardened cock. He growls at me and scratches my back with both hands. I let go of his mouth and pull my head back in ecstasy as I gasp out in sweet surrender. My pussy pulses with delicious fire, wanting and yearning to feel him inside me again.

Pulling my head back up, I look at Jake. He has the same piercing hunger in his eyes as my lips find his mouth again. But as soon as it has started, it suddenly stops by a knock on the door.

Jumping, we’re both quickly pulled back into the reality of what’s happening around us. I jump off Jake, causing me to slip and fall off the bed. I start laughing at our comical situation. Stunned, Jake quickly bends down to help me up. “Shit, are you okay? I forgot where I was. Fuck.”

Jake helps me up, and I give him a smile. “Jake, calm down, it’s okay. Sit there, and I will answer the door. I don’t think you can in your state.” I glance down at his obvious arousal, and he looks down with me.

He pops his head back up and smiles. “I’m sure whatever

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