Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,69

want this arsehole to get to me. I’m so tired of being the victim, and I certainly don’t want to be any part of this sick fuck’s game anymore.

As Jake smiles in return, he takes a seat beside me and holds my hand. I can see Michael and Tom watching our every move. I bet they love this.

“I’ve managed to sort out some protection for the evening, so the house is watched. I doubt very much he will do anything if their presence is known.”

I look longingly into Jake’s eyes. I know he will protect me and keep me safe. Just being next to him makes me feel as if I’m wrapped up in the finest, softest, cotton wool known to man.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight from now on.” His piercing green-eyed gaze is back on me, and I suddenly realize how embarrassing this little encounter must have been for Michael and Tom.

I grab Jake’s hand. “Listen, I know I seem to be the pawn in whatever little game this sadistic prick wants to play, and I realize I have to watch my back everywhere I go, but I can’t be watched twenty-four seven, Jake. I can’t ask that of you. You have a job to do and a life to live. You can’t be with me every second of every day.”

“I can’t? Just watch me,” Jake says defiantly. “I’m not giving that sick fucker the time of day. He’s made it personal, and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of thinking he can just take whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He will have to get past me first.”

I feel like laughing and calling him a caveman, but I manage to stop myself. For one thing, it doesn’t feel like the right time to joke about it. But more importantly, I know he’s acting out of a genuine concern for my welfare, which he takes very seriously. I certainly won’t argue with him about that.

Looking back over at Michael and Tom, I’m amused by their expressions. They seem to be enjoying a good game of Jake-and-Ana table tennis. But then, as this whole situation begins to sink in, I start to feel exhausted. All I want now is to go to bed where I can have Jake’s arms wrapped around me all day and all night. I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all. It doesn’t help that I can sense every single pair of eyes on me. It’s making me feel more than a little uncomfortable. So many men and women have been in and out of the house, and I just want them to all go away. I know why they’re staring at me. It’s the same reason all the men like to sneak a peek at the rape victims in the interview rooms. They want to see what all the fuss is about. It’s sick, but unfortunately true. When a woman is raped, they all basically want to see if she’s worth raping. It’s the disgusting mentality of most of them, and I know they’re doing the exact same thing with me now. In the end, I bury my head in my hands in a futile attempt to escape.

I just want this to all go away.

Sensing my frustration, Jake pulls at one of my arms. “Look, maybe it would be best for you to go to my room until this is all over. I’ll take you up and come back down to hurry things along. This way, you can get some breathing space, okay?”

I nod my agreement, and Jake excuses himself for a moment to fetch something from the kitchen. He returns with the sandwiches he’d made earlier. He certainly isn’t going to forget about my eating. I have to smile at that.

He gestures for me to follow, then I turn to Michael and Tom. “Well, I guess I will see you two soon.” They both get up at the same time and offer me a hug. They try to reassure me that everything will be okay, and I’m grateful for that. Knowing that they have my back makes a single tear escape my eye. I watch the concern for my welfare in Michael’s face, but I turn to follow Jake up the stairs. I think I will lose it for sure if I stay any longer.

As we get to Jake’s room, I look at the sandwiches in his hand. I just can’t think about food at the moment. I feel as sick as

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