Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,68

Michael. “Now I’m going to say this once to the two of you, and I don’t want to ever have to repeat this, or I will have your badges. You are not to breathe a word of this to anyone while this investigation is ongoing. Some sick fuck seems to have more than a little crush here on Ana, and I don’t want anyone—and I mean anyone—to know about us. It might end up pissing off whoever this sick fuck is. Do I make myself clear?” They both quickly nod their heads like they had been told off by the headmaster. “If I even hear a whiff of gossip going around the station, then I won’t be responsible for my actions. This has to stay quiet. For Ana’s sake.”

Jake grips my hand, looking round to me with a smile. “Are you okay?”

I return the smile. “I’m fine. It is a shock, and still is, but I have you guys to take care of me, so I’m fine.”

Jake squeezes my hand before getting up. “I’m going to have a chat with Marcos about getting someone to watch over the house at night. I also need to get that list going for him. Will you be okay for a minute?” I nod and watch as he leaves the room.

As I turn my attention back to Michael and Tom, I can see how much they’re itching for information, but I can also tell they’re afraid to ask.

“Well, go on then. I know you’re just dying to ask me.”

Tom positions himself at the end of the sofa, looking like the cat that got the cream. “How long? You weren’t doing it with your mom in the house, were you?”

My mouth twists into a scowl. “Shut up, Tom. That’s gross. It only really happened last night.” I knew at some point it was going to turn sick, but I didn’t think he would just put it out there like that. This is exactly what I didn’t want—people judging us. Jake’s a lot more to me than just a crush or passing whim.

He’s my life.

“You and the boss,” Tom snorts. “I was starting to think you might be gay.”

Complete shock overtakes me. Is that what everyone thinks of me just because I never gave anyone at work the time of day?

Michael nudges at Tom and then looks sheepishly towards me. “Sorry, Ana Banana. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just you’re a very popular girl and certainly had a choice of a few people. You just never seemed to be interested.”

I glare at Tom. “So, because I never looked in their direction, people naturally assumed I was gay? What a typical, chauvinistic male attitude!”

Michael cowers. “Tom, you shouldn’t have gone there, buddy.”

I’m fuming inside. I thought keeping my head down and getting on with things curtailed any gossip going around. It would seem that me being the ice princess that Tom’s making me out to be is what spurred the gossip about me in the first place. I can’t win. If I were shagging everyone in the station, I would earn a reputation as a slut. But because I don’t sleep around, I must be gay now? This is beyond stupid.

“So does everyone think I’m gay just because I wouldn’t sleep with a few people?” Tom winces. I think he’s beginning to really regret what he said.

“No, of course not. Look, just forget what I said, okay? I’m sorry. Please don’t be upset with me.”

I take a deep breath and try to calm down a bit. “Okay, Tom. Whatever. I think I have more important things to be worrying about anyway. Just so you know, though, I’m not gay, and this thing with Jake is still in its infancy. All you need to know is that it’s happened, I’m happy, and once this jerk is caught, everyone can get on with their lives, and I won’t have to constantly look over my shoulder.”

They both slouch farther into the sofa, saying nothing for a while.

“I must say, you do look radiant. I’m happy for you both.”

I snap my head up to Tom with a smile. “Nice save there. Unfortunately, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still a prick.”

They both laugh as Jake enters the room again. He has a very serious expression on his face. I can tell he is gauging my reaction. It must have been because I was smiling up at him. He’s probably wondering why I’m suddenly so composed. I really don’t

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