Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,72

but is soon walking back to me. “Shit, are you okay? What was that about?”

I look at the bedside clock and see that it’s close to ten. Shit, how long have I slept for?

When all I do is timidly look at him, Jake grabs a tissue and tenderly wipes my face. “I’ll go start a bath for you.”

Looking up at Jake, I nod, glad that he’s not pushing this yet. The dream is still raw in my mind.

I watch as Jake disappears into the bathroom, and soon after, the sound of running water is heard. He emerges straight after and walks back over to my side of the bed. He’s completely dressed still, so obviously he hasn’t been sleeping. I’m starting to wonder where he’s been as he strokes the hair away from my eyes.

“You gave me a heart attack when you suddenly started screaming. You were kicking, and your arms were punching the air. You were shouting for someone not to hurt you. You were pleading.”

A fresh set of tears escape as I try to gather some sort of control. “I had a nightmare that someone was on top of me, and I couldn’t see his face. He had his hand over my mouth and told me I would soon be his. It was a nightmare, that’s all. I think all that’s happened today is just playing it out in my dreams.”

Jake sighs, gripping my hand with his. “You’re safe. You will always be safe with me. I promise.”

I smile, suddenly feeling better as my sleep-frenzied head starts to clear. “Where were you? Downstairs?”

“No, I was right here with you. When they all finally left, I saw that you were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you. You needed the rest after all. So I sat on the chair and just stared at you. I must have dozed off while I watched you sleep because the next thing I knew, you were screaming, and I thought the fucker had somehow managed to get in here and get to you. I cursed myself for dozing off.”

I let out a small chuckle. “You have to sleep, too, you know. You’re not a robot. You need rest just like everyone else. I’m sorry I scared you.”

He edges closer, pulling me into his arms. I bury my head in his chest and breathe in his scent. He’s so delicious and all mine. “You’re not to be sorry for anything. That fucker is the one who will be sorry when I get my hands on him.”

I pull my head back astounded. “You can’t take the law into your own hands. You of all people should know that.”

He heaves a big, deflated sigh. “I know that, but I really cannot be responsible for my actions if I find I’m alone in a room with him.” He gets up and gestures to me. “Come. We have a bath awaiting us.” I smile up at him before pulling off the covers to take his hand. “Would Miss Sinclair like some bubbles?”

I dance up and down like a little girl, the whole nightmare suddenly forgotten. “Oh, yes please! I’d love to get some jacuzzi action. I’ve never been in one before.”

He glances back at me with complete shock on his face. “Well, we must remedy that right away and break your jacuzzi cherry with a bang.” I can’t help but chuckle. I’m a little over excited about the prospect of trying this out for the very first time.

As I stand there watching, Jake pours a little bubble bath in the water and starts the jacuzzi going. Everything comes to life quickly as the bubbles start to form. I watch in childlike awe and inhale deeply as the sweet smell of Jasmine fills the air. The look of concentration on Jake’s face is pretty extreme as he tries to make everything look as perfect as possible.

As I think this, I find myself studying him again. Watching as his muscles flex as he turns the switches and swirls the water around. Watching as he bends over to test the temperature, revealing to me his nice, rounded, perfectly formed arse. An arse I could easily smack right about now. In fact, I’m so transfixed that my hand naturally rises into the air, and I’m ready to let it come down with a thwack. But just then, Jake turns around to face me. Realizing what I’m doing, I quickly lower my hand back down. He definitely caught me, though.

His eyebrows rise

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