Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,135

again—in custody. You were also right on the burglaries. They have them both in for questioning. Michael wanted to thank you in person. He said he misses you. We all miss you.”

My heart feels overwhelmed by her words. “I’m delighted about that. That’s great news. I miss you all too.” As the smell of honeysuckle hits me, I remember to ask. “Jessie, do me a favor, and thank everyone for the flowers. You too, of course. They are beautiful.”

“Of course I will. Can I come see you this weekend?” she asks.

I smile. “Yes, I’d like nothing more. Not Friday night, though, as we’re having company.”

“Oh, who’s that then?”

I tell her about Cindy coming over for dinner, so she can meet Jake properly for the first time. We all want to become more acquainted with her, since she’s now a part of Matthew’s life. She then goes on to tell me that she and Jerry are still going strong and are going out to dinner again tonight. I’m really happy for her. Both of our lives seem to be going in a good direction now. We make arrangements for her to come over on Sunday afternoon before we hang up.

As I take a shower, I notice how nicely all my cuts seem to be healing. They look like they’re fading, and some have even disappeared altogether. The bruises on my neck are still there, so I decide to wear the other polo neck dress that Jake bought me. I don’t want to upset anyone if I can help it, and seeing these scars is a constant reminder for Jake, Matthew, and for me of Tony and what he did. Just the thought of it is nauseating. I just want them gone. For now, I’m embracing polo shirts and dresses as well as scarves as much as possible.

To keep my mind off things, I decide to go back outside and watch Jake and Matthew play ball. Jake’s bare torso is a welcoming distraction. I watch his muscles flex as he runs and kicks the ball. He looks over to me every now and then to make sure I’m okay. I just nod my head, transfixed on every pore of his glistening skin. It amazes me just how perfect he is.

After an hour or so, they both admit defeat and take a well-earned break. Jake sits by me and holds my hand as Matthew points to the pool. “I’m going back in to cool off.”

Jake nods. “Okay, son. I’ll join you in a bit.” We both watch as Matthew sprints back to the pool and dives in.

Jake tugs at my hand. “Are you okay?”

I look into his eyes and smile. “I’m fine. Just a bit worried, that’s all. You’re not going to get into trouble over this Tony thing, are you?”

He waves me off dismissively. “No, of course not. Like everything, it will all blow over soon. It always does.”

“I don’t need protecting. If there is something going on, you can tell me. I’ll only find out when I go back to work on Monday anyway.”

Jake’s mouth takes on a hard line as he shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” I ask, baffled.

“You need your rest. You’ve been to hell and back and need to recuperate.”

I shake my head. “I’m fine. Stop fussing.”

Jake leans over and grabs my hips. He fixes me with a serious stare. “I think you’re taking this whole thing a bit too well. You don’t talk about it at all. You just seem to be acting … too normal. It unnerves me.”

My heart starts hammering in my chest at the thought of Tony. “I can’t let him win,” I find myself saying. “If I’m a mess, it means all that he’s done was worth taking to the grave with him. I refuse to give him the satisfaction.” A sudden tear wells up in my eye at the thought. Jake quickly pulls my chair closer and wraps his arms around me. “I need this, Jake. I need to be normal. I need to get back to work and back to living my life.”

Jake strokes my hair trying to calm me. “I know. It’s just the press are sniffing around at the moment, trying to get your name. I would hate to think you went back to work and somehow they found you. I thought it would be a good idea if you just stayed at home a bit, rested, and then hopefully the press will

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