Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,134

trying to be gentle for your sake. I don’t know whether you want me to be pouring myself all over you like always when you’ve only just come home from the hospital. What kind of jerk would I be if I pounced on you with no respect for what you’ve been through? When I was rubbing your shoulders, and you were making those noises, it took every ounce of strength I possessed not to turn you over and make love to you then and there. And then there was the bath. That was torture in and of itself. I just want you to see that I can control myself … mostly anyway. I won’t deny that it has been agonizing.”

I feel elated that he still wants me, but at the same time, I feel stupid for doubting him. “I’m sorry. I just feel—”

“Shhh,” he says, cupping my face. “You don’t have to explain how you’re feeling to me, you hear? With what you’ve been through,” taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes, “it’s no wonder your emotions are all over the place. All you need to know is that—with me—you have nothing to fear. You got that?”

With tears in my eyes, I nod my head. “Jake?” I ask, noting the happiness in my voice.

“Yes?” he implores.

“Please make love to me.”

He pulls me over and strokes my face. “Really?”

“Really, really,” I state.

He leans down to kiss me tenderly before brushing a lock of hair away from my face. “It will be my pleasure.”

With that, he kisses me again and makes sweet tender love to me.

It’s pure bliss.


The next day starts off very much the same way as last night ended. We stay in bed for an eternity, laughing and joking, with Jake fussing over me every five minutes. We’re wrapped up in each other’s arms, elated, happy, and hopeful of the future.

Once we do finally get out of bed and feed ourselves, I think it a nice opportunity to get some lengths done in the pool. Matthew later dives in and decides to join me, which is fun. We have a great time splashing around, and we even have a couple of races before it gets to be too much for my lungs, and I have to give it up. Jake quickly reprimands me and tells me to take it easy. I think he finds my lease on life hard to comprehend after what I’ve just gone through.

Getting myself dried off, I leave Jake and Matthew to play football. They need some father-son time. Jake’s been devoting way too much attention to me lately.

As I make my way inside, I realize I didn’t call Jessie yesterday. Man, she’s going to be pissed. I get to the phone and dial the number at work.

“Jessie, it’s me, Ana.”

She practically screams down the phone, bursting my eardrums. “You never called! Are you okay? What happened is all over the news.” I’d completely forgotten that this sort of thing would be discussed outside of these four walls.

“Oh, God, they haven’t printed my name, have they?” I ask.

“No, don’t worry. Reporters of all sorts keep calling, though. They’re hoping someone will let it slip and accidentally tell them who you are, but they won’t be getting anything from us. No one’s talking.”

Thank goodness. That’s the last thing I need.

“Thanks, Jessie. How is everyone?”

“As to be expected, I think. Everyone is in shock at what happened to you. We’re also shocked at who was behind it all this time. The papers are having a field day on that one. Jake’s got some damage control to contend with when he gets back.”

Oh, no, he must know this, and yet he’s still here with me acting like nothing’s happening. I feel the guilt come back again. Jake’s been keeping me in this heavenly bubble, hiding me away from the ugliness outside.

“Ana, are you there? You know everything’s going to be okay, right? Jake knows what to do. That’s why he’s the captain of this very close-knit, well-run ship he has here. Even though we’re a bunch of red-necked wannabes.”

I burst into laughter. “You always know how to cheer me up,” I admit.

“Seriously, though. You are okay, aren’t you?”

I smile at her concern. “I’m fine, a little sore but I’ll be right as rain in a couple of days. I will definitely be in next week. I just want to get back to work.”

“Michael says you struck gold on that flasher case. The sicko is right where he belongs

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