Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,103

trailing kisses from my cheek down to my neck. That certainly gets my attention.

“You were talking in your sleep,” he whispers.

That really gets my attention. I shoot straight up. “What did I say?”

Seeing the horror on my face, he starts to laugh. “Whoa there, tiger. It wasn’t anything bad. You were talking about me.”

God, what did I say? Judging by his smug look, he certainly seems very pleased with himself about something.

“Are you going to keep me in suspense all day, or are you going to tell me?”

He positions himself back down on the bed with that same, silly grin on his face and clasps his hands together, twiddling his thumbs. “I think I’ll keep it to myself. I would prefer to hear you say those words when you’re not comatose.”

I pull on his arm and shake him. He laughs, but I don’t find any of it funny. I’m actually quite mortified. What on earth does he know that I don’t?

I nudge him some more. “Don’t do this to me, Jake. Come on, tell me.”

He glances in my direction. “Nope. No can do. I’m keeping this one to myself.” He pulls his hand to his mouth and makes a zipping motion across his lips.

I feel my cheeks flush with anger. “You are such an asshole sometimes.”

His smile fades as he quickly snaps up, throwing himself on top of me before pinning my hands to the bed. I try to wiggle my way out from under him, but he’s too strong.

“What have I told you about your filthy mouth? Not only are you using bad language, you’re calling me names—which I cannot tolerate.” He smiles down at me, and I stick my tongue out at him. “Do you realize how easily I could take you right now?” He pushes his groin into me, and I feel how hard he is. “I can’t get enough. And for some reason, having you under my will like this, with you unable to move, is quite the turn on. I can do what I like to you and get away with it. Maybe my handcuffs could come in handy one day.” I wiggle about from underneath him, trying to free myself but getting seriously turned on at the same time. “Like that is helping the situation. You wriggling like that is only making me want to take you more.”

I frown up at him. “So why don’t you then?” I pout.

He amusingly shakes his head. “Because you have been asleep for three hours and we only have an hour to get ready before Matthew’s game. Besides, Matthew is only down the hall.”

I snap up, looking at the time, and Jake starts laughing. “Get off me, we have to get ready.” He releases me but watches as I practically hop around the room.

“I did try to tell you.” He positions himself on his side, watching my every move with mild amusement.

I say a few choice words under my breath as I scramble into the bathroom to run a shower. After that sleep, I need a good wash. Jake enters just as I’m stepping under the spray of water and he gets to work brushing his teeth. This simple scene in front of me is making me all kinds of giddy. This is so domesticated, and I love it.

The shower is welcoming, but Jake’s shower always has had that sort of effect on me, especially when he was in it with me. I toy with the idea of asking him to join me, but then I realize it would end up being an event. I turn off the shower, and Jake passes me a towel.

“Matthew wanted to know if I would let him go out with a few friends after the game.”

“What did you say?” I ask.

“I said yes, but I told him that since it’s a school night, he has to be back by eleven-thirty at the latest.”

“So I take it they expect to win this game? Is that why they are planning their celebration already?” I ask, smiling at the prospect of a win for the team.

“I think so. They are confident they’ll kick ass, and I’m looking forward to it.”

“So am I,” I admit. I start toweling myself dry.

“Do you want some help with that?”

I take the towel away and spank him with it. “If you carry on like this, we will never get moving.” I walk over to the drawers and put on a pair of white, lace panties. Jake watches my every move.

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