Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,102

her that we all want the same thing, which is to catch the sick asshole. She could never be hated for that, sir.” Jake nods, and Michael quickly moves—or rather retreats—out the break room.

“Why didn’t you tell me you felt this way?” Jake cups my face, and the tears fall even harder.

“I don’t know. I just want it all to go away. I want to shut my eyes and know that when I open them, it’s all just been a bad dream, and I can carry on with my life with the knowledge that everyone around me is safe. I don’t want people to hate me because I’m the reason that this sick individual crawled out of whatever hole he’s been hiding in. This is all because of me, Jake. Not anyone else. Me. He wants me, and I just feel so bad. It’s just so wrong. All of it is just … wrong.”

Jake squeezes my head lightly. “Please don’t do this to yourself. You are not a bad person. Do you hear me? I won’t let you put yourself down like this. It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.” I look away, but Jake grabs both my arms. “Ana, look at me. He decided to do this. He is the sick fucker. He made his choices. Not you. And certainly not because of you.” He stares deep into my eyes as my tears continue to flow. He’s looking for an answer, so I nod and move my head back to his chest. A couple of people come by, but they quickly excuse themselves once they see us locked in an embrace.

After a few more seconds, Jake grabs my arms and pulls me in front of him, effectively ending our hug. “Look, maybe it isn’t such a good idea for you to be here today. Having said that, I’m not going to leave you alone either. I said I wouldn’t until he has been caught, and I meant it. I’ll take you home. The Feds have it all under control here anyway.”

I shake my head in protest. “No. You shouldn’t leave because of me. I can stay. It’s fine.”

He stands firm. “It’s not okay. I’m taking you home.”

I see how serious he is, so I nod my head. I excuse myself so I can go to the ladies and freshen up. I don’t want it to look too obvious that I’ve been crying.

Once I’m ready, I take a walk back to my desk to pack up, but all I’m met with are sympathetic stares. This is just what I didn’t want.

Once back at my desk, I grab my bag and proceed shutting down the computer.

“What’s up?” Jessie asks.

I sit down in front of Jessie as she turns to face me. “Jake’s taking me home. I just don’t feel right being here when all this is going on around me—because of me. I’ll feel better tomorrow. I just need to get away and clear my head.”

I place my hand on her shoulder. “I hope you have a great time tonight. Say hi to Jerry for me. I can’t wait to meet him.”

She smiles brightly at me and squeezes my hand. “I’m looking forward to that myself.”

Jake comes over and hands Jessie a piece of paper. “Have a good day off tomorrow, and I’ll see you Thursday.” She thanks Jake, and we say our goodbyes before heading off.

We make the journey home in silence as exhaustion is finally setting in. Once inside, I plonk myself down on the sofa, and Jake heads for the kitchen. A few minutes later, he emerges with a ham and tomato sandwich on rye and hands it to me.

“You have to eat. Please. I’m worried about you.”

I smile and bite into the sandwich, doing so more to appease Jake than because I’m actually hungry. I just want to sleep.

Sensing my exhaustion, Jake picks me up once I’ve finished and carries me up the stairs to his room. He gently places me on the bed and takes my shoes off. I’m wondering if he’s going to leave me when he surprises me by laying down beside me and pulling me into his arms. We don’t say anything. We don’t have to. Just having him here with me is all I need.


“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

I don’t want to move. I’m happy laying where I am, thank you very much.

“You have to wake up so that we can get ready for Matthew’s game.” He snuggles up to me,

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