Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,104

I look down and notice that there’s something twitching in his trousers.

“You see what you do to me? You are sexy as hell. I’ve never seen breasts so phenomenal.”

I blush and turn to pick out a dress. After looking through them all, I finally settle on a white, fitted halter dress which hangs just above the knee. I ask Jake to zip me up, and he wastes no time complying with my request.

“You’re seriously going to kill me in that dress. I just want to lift it up, rip your lovely lace panties off, and have you over my bed. You make me feel like an animal.” He gently traces my bare shoulders with his fingers, making me shudder. I’m wet and horny as hell, but I know we can’t do anything. Knowing this just makes the situation even worse.

Without thinking, I turn around. “Why don’t you?”

He growls under his breath, shaking his head as he moves away from me. “I don’t want to have a fumbled quickie over my bed when I can have you all to myself later on instead.”

I raise an eyebrow at him, wondering why we can’t do both, and I try my best to calm the burning sensation between my legs. My need for him hasn’t eased one little bit. In fact, I think it’s just growing stronger.

Once ready, we all leave at six to allow Matthew plenty of time to get organized once he’s there. The drive is thankfully very quick due to the traffic being so light. As we try to make it through the gates and into the stands, the pheromones from the crowd of hormonal teenagers hit my nostrils.

Matthew says he’ll see us after the game, and we wish him good luck as he rushes off to get changed. The stands are packed with people waving red and white flags designed to show off their school’s colors along with their Waverley High School spirit. Their cheers are filling the stadium as we search for somewhere to sit. Finally, we spot a couple of empty places on the fourth row.

Moments later, Jake disappears and comes back with a bag filled with sandwiches in one hand a couple cans of Coke in the other. It’s then I realize just how hungry I am. “You think of everything, don’t you?”

He looks like he’s feeling guilty all of a sudden. “Well, because I didn’t want to leave you, I asked Matthew to make them for us. I can’t be held accountable for how they’ve turned out.”

It makes my heart flutter at his thoughtfulness. I eagerly take a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich. It’s actually pretty good. I nod my approval at Jake, and I’m about to say something when the crowd cheers loudly. Turning my head towards the field, I see all our players running and waving to the crowd. It’s hard to tell which one’s Matthew until I remember he has the number seven on his back. I succeed in identifying him quickly after that.

Matthew’s an all-star quarterback on his team and has been doing this ever since he was able to walk—once Jake taught him, of course. Jake was also a quarterback in high school, so I guess it runs in the family. I don’t really follow American football much, but I know the gist of what’s happening during a game.

I glance across at the board which displays the scores in this game of the Waverley Giants against the Roosevelt Revels.

Blimey, what a tongue twister that would be once you had a few drinks.

After kick-off—that’s what Jake calls it—they all take their positions on the field, and as the whistle blows, the crowd goes wild. The ball is hiked back by the center and caught with ease by Matthew. Everything seems to be going super-fast. Matthew rolls right and sprints to the other side of the field. Within moments, he has the other team on his tail and is tackled to the floor, just as he gains enough yards for a first down.

I shoot up—without thinking—and shout out Matthew’s name. Lots of people around me stare as Jake starts tugging at my dress. My face turns bright red as I sit back down as quickly as I can.

“Shit, now I’ll have other dads to worry about.”

I turn to Jake. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you’ve just drawn more attention to yourself, made yourself more noticeable. So now, I’ll have even more wolves to fend off.”

I wave him off. “Don’t be silly. I

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