By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,49

Malinor. I just couldn’t send you into a future of destruction after seeing what you went through as a boy.”

Jalarn took a step back, frowning.

“You wanted to spare my life because you felt sorry for me. Are you serious?”

“When I saw that you were the same boy that was ordered to fight to the death just to feed his ailing mother some bread, I couldn’t kill you.”

“How do you know these things?” he asked.

“It’s as I told you. God showed them to me.”

“You are sadly misled, m’lady.”

“My name is Talya. And I am not the one that is misled.”

“Talya,” he repeated. “Don’t you see? It was the prince. He was showing you things about me, knowing your apparent weakness for pathetic street urchins, so that you wouldn’t end all that he has planned for me and this empire. He wills that I live.”

Fury arose from Talya’s heart like she had never experienced. She took a step closer to him. They glared at one another through the metal bars.

“How dare you even suggest that the devil revealed those things to me? He is a liar and a thief who cares for nothing but himself. How can you forget that he abandoned you back in those woods? You would be dead right now if God had not shown me those visions.”

Jalarn threw his head back and laughed hollowly.

“Your God wants you to believe His lies. Talya, you have so much potential that the prince could use if you only allowed him. Don’t succumb to this simpleton nonsense that has robbed so many other people of their lives.”

“I can’t imagine the mighty Malinorians stooping so low as to accept a female knight in their ranks,” Talya shot back.

Jalarn crossed his arms.

“You’re the most worthy opponent that I have ever fought. Any Malinorian worth his spit would accept you as a commander. You would have power here. Ittonifer will be very pleased with your abilities. He would never treat you like your father has.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, I know everything. Everything about you, that is.”

“No, you don’t!”

Talya crossed her arms, cringing at the idea.

“You could lead with me in time. I will show you how to cast spells that you never would have dreamed existed. Spells that only the brave would attempt to try. Imagine… having magic at your fingertips. I owe you my life. This is the least that I can do.”

A wave of pride overcame Talya. She didn’t fight it. In her mind’s eye, she saw herself leading legions of knights, second only to Jalarn. She would be admired and respected for the rank that she had worked so hard for. Perhaps one day she would become a general, if she could outshine Ittonifer’s cocky nephew.

She smiled at the possibility.

Jalarn leaned closer.

“I think the real reason that you spared my life was so that you could gain access into my army and achieve a position that you could never get in Sanctus. I know all about your general from Cardamon suppressing your talent. Your father has been no different.”

Talya closed her eyes as her mind was suddenly infiltrated by a familiar, soothing voice.

“You’ve never been appreciated as you should be, Talya. I can make you more powerful than you could ever hope to dream. You will no longer be sorry that you weren’t born a male. Just follow me.”

Jalarn unlocked the door to her cell and opened it. His hand went to the other sheath at his left hip. It was her sword.

She gasped.

“This belongs to you.”

He gave it to her.

Feeling lightheaded, she took it with both hands.

“Will you join Malinor, then?” he asked.

Chapter Thirteen

Talya’s eyes locked with Jalarn’s. They were so close that his breath caressed her forehead. Power and respect were within her reach. As she grasped her sword with both hands, her desire to fight returned.

Talya blinked and she suddenly envisioned Jesus hanging on the cross. His eyes bore pleadingly into hers.

“Don’t be deceived.”

Talya shuddered.

What am I doing? I didn’t spare Jalarn’s life just to walk with him down the road to hell.

She took a step backward.

Jalarn’s thick voice brought her back to the moment.

“Talya, just say the word and I will give you everything that I have told you.”

“No!” she yelled.

Talya carelessly swung at him with her sword. She was so weak that she lost her balance and landed on her knees. She backed into a corner, extending her sword in front of her.

Jalarn stared at her, shaking his head.

He closed her prison door and bolted it Copyright 2016 - 2024