By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,48

would work out according to plan once Sanctus was out of the way. In the big picture, Chrissa did not matter. Not if she so easily turned her back on her father and country.

Naeshi stormed toward the door.

“Focus, Naeshi. My daughter is rebelling, but she’ll be back. She can’t survive out there alone.”

“We were going to be married today!” yelled Naeshi.

“You are my senior guard. I need you here. And I will demote you to lower than a basin cleaner if you address me in that way again. If she comes back, you have my consent to be married that same day.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Ittonifer couldn’t believe that he had promoted the fool back to senior guard. Yes, Naeshi had helped him obtain more wealth, and he was as strong as an ox, but the man’s steed had more brains than he did. One more mistake and he would be back to the infantry.

“Get out of here and make yourself useful,” said Ittonifer.

Naeshi left immediately.

Ittonifer was glad to be rid of the idiot. Maybe he would get himself killed in the battle.

Ittonifer returned to his bedchamber and walked out onto his balcony, taking in the fresh evening air. Scanning the distance, a flicker of light caught his attention. Several men on horseback were riding into the city. Jalarn had come home without the giants.


General Edandir rode to the front of his army and raised his sword high. Every single knight and soldier stood at attention.

“Today we march to Malinor – not for revenge, but to end the devil’s hold on this continent. By God’s grace and power, we will conquer Ittonifer’s men, his mighty beasts, and the devil’s magic, which are nothing with God on our side. Alas, God is with every single one of you. You are not alone.”

The legions cheered and shouted.

Queen Roselyn stood on the balcony that was connected to the throne room. She was overlooking the procession of her country’s army with pride.

Edandir waved to her. She returned the gesture and gave him a confident smile. Gone was the fear that had shrouded her days ago. He smiled back at her. He had hoped to see her before they marched. It would be several days before he would be able talk to her again.

The general kicked his dragon steed’s sides and it spun around, lunging forward. He led Sanctus out of the city and into the wilderness. The rhythmic pounding of battle drums energized him. They had, at last, begun their three-day journey to Malinor.


Pain shot through Talya’s temples as she awoke in a dark and very damp place. She winced as she opened her eyes. She was lying on something cold and hard.

I must have fallen off of my cot.

Her stomach churned from the nausea that engulfed her. She rolled onto her side and gagged. She moaned as she touched the great bump that was on the back of her head. When her eyes had finally adjusted, she remembered the giant lion and Jalarn’s last stare.

I’m in a prison! Jalarn’s men must have caught up to me.

It all really happened. She hadn’t awakened from a dream.

A door creaked open from down the hall. The rustling of keys pierced the stagnant air, and two pairs of footsteps approached her cell.

Her pulse quickened and she sat up. Were they coming to finish her off?

“Here she is, m’lord,” said a deep voice.

A guard with a horribly scarred face held his lantern toward Talya’s cell.

Jalarn stood close to the cell. With his mask off, he no longer seemed like a faceless monster.

He stared at Talya.

He is going to kill me.

“Leave us,” Jalarn said to the guard.

The man bowed, set the lantern on a nearby stool, and left.

“What happened to his face?” asked Talya.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Jalarn.

Jalarn stood rigidly outside of the barred door. His deep green eyes bore into hers. He had regained his usual composure, but Talya had seen him at his most vulnerable moment back in the forest. And he knew that.

Perhaps this was it then. He would drive his sword through her now.

At least I can die knowing that I did something right for once.

“Why did you spare me back in the forest?” asked Jalarn.

Wincing at her thundering head, Talya stood and walked closer to the barred door.

“God showed you to me in a vision. Twice. I didn’t know that it was you until I took off your mask.”

“What foolishness are you speaking of?”

“I had a real-life dream that showed me how you became a warrior for Copyright 2016 - 2024